
Top tips on writing for social media

Writing for social media is one of the most important things you can do to take advantage of the new media revolution. This is also important if you are just blogging for fun or intend to monetize your blog in the future.

Read the top tips on writing for social media

This article focuses on tips which will ensure your social media posts are relevant and other people find them useful enough to share, because this is what social media is all about.

1. Have a goal to every post

What is the desired outcome you want for the post you are making? What action do you want people to take after interacting with a Facebook post, tweet or other social media posting? Keep this in mind with every post you make and you will gain a loyal following.

2. Catch them with the headline

If you want anyone to read what you write, better make sure they read the headline. The best way to be sure of this is to write a compelling headline. Your headline should be short and pack a punch. It should arouse curiosity in your reader and at the same time let them know exactly what they are getting. How To headlines have been found to work extremely well.

3. Get into the good bits from the start

Let your reader know exactly what they are getting from the start of your post. This is because modern life has so many demands on our time. If your readers are captivated by the first few lines of your post then they are likely to read on to the end. Therefore use the introduction to share the most important information and the rest of your article to expand and explain.

4. Make every word earn its placesocial media icons

Choose your next words carefully: they may be the only words anyone will ever pay attention to. Twitter is designed to make sure people say their most important words and cut out the fluff. This is a very good habit to learn and transfer to your Facebook and blog writing too. Always keep the first rule in mind though as you need to select the right words which will communicate your message succinctly.

5. K.I.S.S

Keep It Simple Stupid: this pertains to your post as well as the story you are trying to tell. Why use a complex word when a simple one will do? Tell your audience what you are going to tell them, then tell them, and then tell them what you have just told them. Abbreviations are better left out because they do not mean the same to every one of your readers. It is also good to link directly to sources and your readers can get more from your posts. This way you create a reputation for yourself.

6. Create visual impact

Use but do not over use graphics. Just like your words every graphic should earn its place in your article or post. Images will appeal to a different audience because people absorb information in different ways. Therefore when appropriate always use an image to support the story you are selling band make a visual impact.

7. Always keep your reader in mind

This is just as important as the first tip: when writing for social media, always keep your thoughts on what your reader wants and what benefits they will get from reading your content. If you are selling a product always make sure you respect your audience and create value in every tweet and Facebook posts.

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  1. […] Tip Tips on Writing for Social Media from How to be a Copywriter: Writing for social media is one of the most important things you can do to take advantage of the new media revolution. This is also important if you are just blogging for fun or intend to monetize your blog in the future. This article focuses on tips which will ensure your social media posts are relevant and other people find them useful enough to share, because this is what social media is all about. […]

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