Content & Strategy

Read about the posts about the category Content & Strategy of How to be a copywriter by Copywriter Collective.


Top 5 Characteristics of Great Headlines

Table of content 1. Simple to understand. 2. The right length. 3. Emotionally compelling 4. Targeted. 5. Vetted. Three seconds. That’s about how much time you have to grab your reader’s attention. Fail at this and you lost your first…

The ten worst slogans ever?

We first brought you the ten best, now here are what could be the ten worst slogans ever. What do you think? "You can never be too thin" (Pretzels) Reading this slogan, your initial thinking would be that this Pretzels campaign was what you…

An Honest Guide of freelance copywriter rates.

Freelance copywriter rates are often shrouded in mystery.  With a confusing selection of hourly, day and project rates available, it can be difficult to understand the billing process – let alone work out the value of copywriting, and it’s…

Copywriting as a Job: Advantages and Disadvantages

“Copywriting as a job. What’s it like?” asked the high school girl as she interviewed me for a class project on careers. This young lady excelled in her English classes … was an avid reader … loved to write … but she was afraid…

Six Easy Ways to Write a Strong Sales Letter Lead

What’s the purpose of the headline? That’s right…to grab your reader’s attention. Without that, there’s no point in wasting time on the remainder of your sales letter or other copy. However, once you’ve mastered how to create…

The Perfect Sales Letter (Part 2) – 12 Key Components

Occasionally, I’m asked the question, “How long should a sales letter be?” My answer every time is…”as long as it needs to be to make the sale.” That means, you’ll require ample space to build a relationship…make bold claims…prove…

Creating a copywriting library: Invitation for guest bloggers

'Be a copywriter' is a specialist blog for copywriters by copywriters. It’s run by Copywriter Collective, one of the world’s largest agencies for international copywriters and advertising creatives, and has been written largely by our members.…

Measuring ROI for guest content

In recent years, there has been a breakthrough in the field of marketing ROI. Whereas in the past, marketers could only demurely cast their eyes down and mumble something about brand awareness and customer loyalty when asked where the budget…

How to Grow Your Website’s Online Presence with SEO

You can't have a stable online presence for your website without an SEO plan. From social media posts to creating content on your site seen by the search engine, you need a call of action to help you build brand awareness. It takes time to create…
improve-creative-writing-copywriter-collectiveHow Freelancers Can Improve-copywritercollective

Short Story Tips: How Freelancers Can Improve Their Creative Writing

Creative writing is when a freelance writer comes up with content that breaks the barrier of professionalism or any form of technical literature to come up with content through the creation of characters in situations. Creativity is always made…
social-media-strategies-copywriter-collectiveSocial Media Strategies-copywritercollective

Social Media Strategies You Should Know for 2021

Navigating the world of social media can be daunting. That’s why we’re sharing our tips on how to build a Social Media plan that can help you define your brand's targets, increase audience engagement and maximize your social marketing strategy…
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What are the best practices to avoid the problem of duplicate content?

Duplicate content is problematic for Google. During SEO implementation, you must avoid the pitfalls that can set back your campaign.  To prevent duplicate content, ensure that the content you publish is one of a kind. An exact copy shouldn't…