
How to Grow Your Website’s Online Presence with SEO

You can’t have a stable online presence for your website without an SEO plan. From social media posts to creating content on your site seen by the search engine, you need a call of action to help you build brand awareness. It takes time to create something that people can identify. Want to improve a website’s SEO? Here are some tips to help you grow your website’s online presence with SEO tactics.

Create Solid Content

When you’re just starting to learn SEO online, think about developing the best content you can. If you have a website about hair care, then your content needs to match the topic of your site.

Also, you need to follow the trends and understand what content is relevant to someone’s search. You want to get better indexing from the search engine. Additionally, you want to answer the questions that people inquire about on the search box. This is all part of your website’s SEO tactic.

The more you can appeal to your target audience, the more authority you’ll have on your website. It can help you get a leg up on your competitors because they don’t have the same web brand presence.

Have a Trustworthy Brand

Your reputation precedes you when it comes to building a site. Not only do you want to have good content, but you need to stand by it. Do people get what they need when it comes to looking at your site?

Also, what things are you linking to that would add meat to your potatoes? In other words, when you make claims, do you have quality links to sites that can provide value as well? Remember, people want to trust your brand, and they look at it as something to help them in their lives.

You want to create something that you can stand behind so people know it’s not just text behind a screen.

Build Backlinks

While it seems like an ancient SEO tactic, backlinks are relevant in today’s marketing. You still want to have high-authority sites backlinking to you. The more link juice you have, the more authority you’ll bring to your page.

Maybe a high-authority site likes a blog post you’ve done, and they link to you for further clarification on a topic. That’s a big co-sign coming your way. From a search engine perspective, it’ll get you better indexing.

It’ll give you visibility on a massive scale. Even if you have competitors in the same business, you can get a leg up on your rivals. While they have the advertising dollars to promote on television and radio, the internet is a different ball game.

When you get backlinks from big-name sites, you can start getting a leg up on your competitors who may not have a quality SEO plan.

Optimize for Local Search

Maybe you’re running a small family restaurant and need that extra boost in traffic. Having quality listings online with great descriptions and reviews can help you. You might have a burger joint near some franchise fast food places.

A savvy SEO strategy with optimized keywords and images on your page can help you gain better traction. When someone’s running a search on local restaurants, you want to be the first thing that pops up in their results.

If you have the ideal description about your brand, prices, images, and reviews, people will more likely go to your restaurant over others. People value online reputation over brand names. Local search gives you another way to connect with your customers.

Also, it’s a more organic thing because they’re in the area. It helps build stable clientele because this can be the new go-to restaurant every week. Having a website that caters to a local audience makes it much easier to build traction for the long term.

Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly

In addition to creating an optimized site for local traffic, you want to keep your web presence mobile-friendly. You never know when people are searching for things on their tablet or smartphone. They don’t have time to go through all of the graphics on your page.

You want to have a speedy website while people are out and about. Think about the navigation, the links, the content, and everything else a person will see right as they get to your mobile page. Optimize your website for that mobile experience.

Think about having the ideal font that makes it better for reading on mobile devices. Also, you want the links easy to tap, so they get to your products and services.

Have Your Social Media Game Correct

You can’t have a website without a social media presence these days. If you’re not on social media, you’re leaving traffic and money on the table for your competitor to scoop up. If you have a younger demographic, most of them stay on social media.

There are different ways you can make your website more visible by integrating a social media campaign.

Make Your Content Shareable

For every post or product, have an icon that makes it shareable on social media. If someone likes what you have to offer, they can click on the icon, and it’ll automatically send it to their social media page. It’s an easy way to get more traffic to your post.

Create Stories On Your Instagram Page

Maybe you have a 24-hr sale going on, and you want people to know about it. You can do an Instagram story showing off some of the products. The visual aid helps you get more people enticed to see what you have to offer.

Have a link on the story that goes directly to the item you’re marketing. It’s a solid method to increase visibility, and you’ll get more traction there because of fear of missing out on the 1-day sale.

Work with an Influencer

Another way you can improve your website’s SEO presence and reach a wider audience is through joint ventures. Of course, you can do this on your website. However, social media makes it a bit easier.

Build rapport with an influencer that does tutorials and reviews on products in your niche. You can give them a freebie to test the product. If they have positive reviews, it may be the beginning of a growing relationship.

You can partner up and give the influencer a profit incentive for promoting your product on their page. They take care of the marketing while you give them valuable products to appeal to their followers.

Continue Reading: 5 SEO Tricks to Use for Better Website Content

Create Viral Videos to Improve your Website’s SEO

It doesn’t matter if you do a TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram video. All of these social platforms are great for engaging with your target audience. Video content is easy to share, and more people will watch it rather than read a long page of text.


Find different ways to optimize your website to help you increase your leads and sales.