
Read about the posts about the category Freelancing of How to be a copywriter by Copywriter Collective.


An Honest Guide of freelance copywriter rates.

Freelance copywriter rates are often shrouded in mystery.  With a confusing selection of hourly, day and project rates available, it can be difficult to understand the billing process – let alone work out the value of copywriting, and it’s…

10 Useful Tips to Get Your Freelance Business Off the Ground in 2022

If you are looking for work, or want to start your own business, freelancing is a good option. Freelance work can be done from anywhere in the world and on any schedule that suits you. You can work on a sun lounger, enjoy the pool, and get paid.…

Freelance Writing Tips: How to Make Your Personal Brand More Accessible

The life of a freelance writer can be exceptionally tough. Especially when the hunt for new clients seems to yield little hope. Even when you do find an avenue to explore, managing new writing gigs (or streamlining your existing routine) isn’t…

Preparing to Protect Yourself While Traveling as a Freelancer

One of the greatest benefits of being a freelancer is the ability to work from anywhere. Traveling as a freelancer allows you to see the world, experience new cultures, and live out your dreams. All while making money to support your lifestyle.…

Must-have Freelancing Skills for Writers in 2021

From the profoundly fulfilling to the despairingly dull, the life of a freelance writer can twist and turn without warning. In many ways, successful freelance writers need to possess an all-encompassing skill set. One that allows them to navigate…

What Are the Benefits of Choosing a Niche as a Freelance Writer?

There are generalist freelance writers and there are niche freelance writers. The former writes on a broad range of topics, flexing their quick learning skills as a way to attract clients in multiple industries. The latter focuses their work…

Working from home with your kids? Here’s 11 tips that really work

Perhaps more than anything, the COVID-19 pandemic has demanded adaptability. You’re either sending your masked kids to school full-time, juggling a hybrid schedule or helping them manage remote school (and countless tech woes). Maybe you’ve…
balance-career-copywriter-collectiveHow I Balance my Career-copywritercollective

Making it Work: Balancing Full-Time Employment with Being a Freelance Copywriter

Every freelance writer faces the dilemma of quitting their day job to focus on freelancing full-time or keep the job as a safety net until business takes off.  I fall into the latter. It’s not that I lack confidence in my abilities or business…
expand-freelance-portfolio-clients-copywriter-collectiveHow to Expand Your Freelance Portfolio-copywritercollective

How to Expand Your Freelance Portfolio and Gain More Clients

There’s a difference between being a good writer and being a successful freelancer. Freelance writing is a challenging lifestyle that is most often defined by the number of clients that you have rather than merely the quality of your writing.…
professional-website-copywriter-collectiveProfessional Website-copywritercollective

Top Tips for Setting Up a Professional Website in 2021

Setting up a company website is an extremely important part of doing business in the modern world. From a sole trader to a large corporation any professional can benefit from having a website, as customers and potential customers use the internet…
freelancing-fun-copywriter-collectiveFreelancing Fun-copywritercollective

5 Ways to Make Freelancing Fun

As with any job or career, freelancing comes with a range of pressures and challenges. Nobody is immune from issues at work or at home, but freelancers get to have more fun. All we need to do is accept that life isn’t always easy and have…
home-office-solutions-working-home-copywriter-collectiveHome Office Solutions-copywritercollective

Home Office Solutions for Working From Home in 2021

More people are working from home than ever, and those remote workers are investing in a better workspace. Working at the kitchen table is not as conducive to productivity as you might think, so having a dedicated office space is always a good…