Short Story Tips: How Freelancers Can Improve Their Creative Writing

Creative writing is when a freelance writer comes up with content that breaks the barrier of professionalism or any form of technical literature to come up with content through the creation of characters in situations. Creativity is always made the primary objective where a writer employs imagination and innovation to develop work that contains strongly written visuals while including an emotional impact. This is mostly used when writing poems, short stories, and novels. The article will discuss the hacks a freelance writer can use to improve their creative writing.

Use an active voice

Creative writing requires a writer to breathe life into a story. “By employing the active voice, a freelance writer becomes energetic in writing and quickens the tempo of the story and also gives power and meaning to the statements in the story,” says Brooke Greene, a freelance writer at SolidEssay and ConfidentWriters. An active voice brings out more purpose and vigour from the story and catches the attention of the reader which creates excitement. For example, a statement such as ‘the house was demolished by the falling tree’ seems so direct and formal. Try, ‘the tree completely demolished the house’.

Avoid unnecessary expressions

Creative writing is defined not by the number of words but by the quality statements. Most freelance writers lose their creative edge as they become too wordy while writing their stories. Too many expressions may result in many mistakes that may disinterest the reader. A writer should maintain their creative edge by avoiding too many expressions that do not add value to the story. For example, the statement ‘During the course of the lecture there was a power outage’ can read, ‘During the class, there was a power outage’.

Employ several words or phrases

According to Jessica Johnston, a creative writer at Free Term Papers and Writing Formats, “a freelance writer should enrich their story by using a series of words and phrases that aim to create a thrill for the reader.” A reader will always want to read more content of a story when the phrases bring excitement. Keeping a story with oomph is very important for the reader as they may write a proper book review that may interest other readers. If a story has more interest from many readers then the book review will always be magnificent and positive.

Use of metaphors

Creating a spark in writing is one of the primary reasons for creative writing. Metaphors fit the bill in this situation because they add exaggeration and provoke the mind of the reader to have a wild imagination of what the writer is talking about. For example, the statement ‘When we were watching the game, everybody was very excited’ can also read as, ‘When we were watching the game everybody was on the edge of their seats. The purpose of metaphors is to make the reader enjoy the story and break the monotony of continuous reading).

Use a thesaurus

A freelance writer should never rely on the same words they know in the story. Having a range of words to use in writing develops the skill of a writer in that one can write about one situation by using a range of different words.

Avoid complex words

Many freelancers have a belief that using long complex words gives them the title of being very creative. On the contrary, complex words disinterest readers so much. A reader will want to read content that they can easily read, understand, and relate to. A writer should make their story as simple as possible to ensure readers enjoy their content and understand it. For example, writing that politics is incomprehensible may put off a reader. However, a writer may write the same statement differently by stating that politics is very confusing.

In conclusion, creative writing can improve by using various hacks that tend to improve the quality of stories writers develop. Hacks such as using active voice, avoiding unnecessary expressions, and using thesaurus help writers to create thrilling pieces of work and broaden the imagination of the readers.

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About the author

Paul Bates is a speaker, writer and an avid reader contributing to various educational publications including Paper-Research, EssayTask, and ResearchOver.