fiverr-easy-access-seo-optimisation-copywriter-collective gives everyone easy access to SEO optimisation

If you haven’t seen the website before, go now. It’s one of those brilliantly simple internet ideas that has taken off big time. There are millions of users offering their services for $5 a pop. There are all sorts of weird and wonderful people – including a particularly fetching Marilyn Monroe impersonator who will sing your friend happy birthday. But there are some genuinely useful services on there, particularly for SEO optimisation. The Copywriter Collective looks at what Fiverr can do for you.

In previous blog posts we recommended freelance creatives hiring a professional SEO consultant to boost their website’s ranking for their keyword and location. We’ve since learnt that a lot of professional independent SEO consultants also use the website to access the boosting tools that.

So what SEO optimisation and online marketing services can you get for $5 from

  • Web Analytics
  • Article & PR Submission
  • Blog Mentions
  • Domain Research
  • Fan Pages
  • Keywords Research
  • SEO
  • Bookmarking & Links
  • Social Marketing
  • Get Traffic
  • Video Marketing

Of course, there’s a bit of trial and error involved. You may have to try out one or two different ‘gigs’ before you hit upon the ideal partner to work with. But at $5 a go you can afford to lose some before you win some, can’t you? And the rewards could be massive if you successfully increase traffic substantially to your website.

It’s very easy to get started. Just go to and sign up. It only takes a minute. And then you can trawl through the various SEO optimisation gigs on offer and find the one – or  ones – that are most suitable for you. Life isn’t meant to be this easy is it? Well sometimes the best things in life are (almost) free! Go and try it for yourself today!

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