Tag Archive for: Copywriter Collective


What’s branding got to do with copywriting?

Branding is often seen as being all about how a product looks – its logo, packaging, design and stuff like that. But, alongside the designer or art director, the copywriter also has an important part to play. You couldn’t imagine a Coca…

Work for one of the top 5 industries for copywriting and make a packet!

Focusing on a couple of core industries can be a wise strategy. If you can develop strength in one and become the expert of it, you could be more successful than if you bounce from industry to industry, never achieving skill beyond "adequate"…

Freelancer vacation: The best times for freelancers to go on vacation

As a freelancer, you're often caught in a catch 22 situation when it comes to vacation time: You can go on holiday anytime you like (friends think you're on a permanent holiday), but you're worried about going away, because you might miss out…

Fiverr.com gives everyone easy access to SEO optimisation

If you haven’t seen the Fiverr.com website before, go now. It’s one of those brilliantly simple internet ideas that has taken off big time. There are millions of users offering their services for $5 a pop. There are all sorts of weird and…