
5 really cool ambient media executions

Seen as a non-traditional method of advertising, ambient media gets attention and it is extremely versatile.

The term “Ambient Media” became commonly used in the advertising industry around 1999 when it was first coined. It is used as a support to other marketing activities by a business and is usually something which will either be extremely subtle or something that will catch your eye immediately.

Here you can find 5 really cool ambient media executions

Due to the progress of technology, ambient media is much, much easier to manage than it would have been if the concept was born ten years earlier. From huge projections onto a building to the writing on your shopping trolley, ambient media advertising is all around us. Here are examples of five of the coolest ambient media designs we have come across…

Rest Stop Tunnel


This has to be one of the most unique and enterprising adverts we have ever seen. For a restaurant to pick this idea up and pull it off is simply sublime. The fact that it has you driving straight into the mouth of a person at an all-you-can-eat restaurant is divine. This would certainly catch the eye while the play on words makes this advert both intelligent and funny.

If you are looking for an example of bold ambient media, then this is the example for you!

Nationwide Insurance

Nationwide InsuranceThis would have been a bit of a struggle to tidy up when the advertising was finished! This ingenious ambient media idea creates not only an extremely stand-out image, but helps sell the business in one fell swoop. Now, anybody who passes by this building either in air or on foot would immediately notice the slight accident that the building has had – and the insurance company that is there to pick up the pieces.

Extremely intelligent – the van was a nice touch, too.

This is truly intelligent marketing.

Watch Advertising

Ambient media does not have to be as ambitious and bold as those above. It can be more accented and nuanced like this. It immediately creates two things – a chance to see what the watch would maybe look like on your wrist and an imprinted memory of the watch company providing them!

What a great idea, not only would you slip it on without thinking but it would instantly catch your attention when you do.

Alcro Paintsalcro paints

This is a cracker of a photo. It would catch anybody’s attention with the paint spilling above and beyond the photo itself. This creates an instantly attractive and enticing photo, which would make anybody would stop and have a look. It would have you questioning who was involved in the fight, instantly getting you involved in the picture’s history. Above all it gets across the vibrancy of the company’s coloured paints.

Crunchy Nut

Kellogg’s have always been known for their wacky advertising campaigns, especially with Crunchy Nut, one of their flagship cereals. The ambient Crunchy Nut admedia used for Crunchy Nut last year was a real work of art associating the crunch of autumn leaves with its product. Sure to raise a smile it at once gets across the product’s key feature and reinforces the product name in people’s minds.

This type of amusing advertising always opens up people’s minds, moods and importantly for the business, their wallets. It also gets people talking, often generating press coverage which gives the product even more – free – publicity. It’s a truly interesting and abstract way to catch people’s attention.

1 reply
  1. SEO Copywriting
    SEO Copywriting says:

    Ambient advertising can be found everywhere! The important thing to an effective ambient media campaign would be to choose the very best media format offered and combined with effective message.

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