SEO Link Building Strategy for 2021

The digital landscape of SEO marketing is always changing. As businesses adjust to living with the COVID 19 virus and focus on online marketing, the importance of building high-quality links has never been higher.

In this blog, we look at the latest SEO strategies that can help your business build useful and relevant links from authority websites and get more traffic.

Post on Social Media

Social media platforms have taken the world by storm in the last ten years. They have particularly gained a lot of users in the last five years. With a new generation of users that grew up using mobile devices.

If you want to truly benefit from a consistent SEO strategy, you need to get active on social networking websites. Encourage your subscribers, customers and other users to comment on and share your content. You can post all sorts of material from posts and status updates to images, videos and live streams.

There are a plethora of new tools in the market that allow you to quickly share content across different social platforms from a single dashboard. Use them to your benefit.

It goes without saying that the more people that share your content online, the more it will bolster your visibility overall.

Start Guest Blogging on Authority Sites

SEO article writing has been around for a while and still very popular for new startups. We saw a comeback for blogs in 2020 as people spent a lot of time indoors avoiding social contact.

So how do you start guest blogging? It is quite simple actually.

Write up an article for another blogging website in your industry and submit for publishing. You are generally allowed to add a backlink to your website in the blog itself or they will let you add one link in the author’s bio.

When the blog gets published, it helps raise your search engine ranking, based on the Domain Authority (DA) of the publishing website.

The more reputable website you get published on, the better for SEO.

You will also get the added benefit of getting your name out there and build credibility as an expert in your domain. A double win for you!

Check and Research Your Competitors

This isn’t a really new strategy but it is quite effective for keeping you in the game. Keep an active lookout for the top competitors in your niche. If you find out that they are ranking higher than you in the search engines, it is possible that they are getting links from other authority websites.

There is a variety of reference tools (such as SEMrush and ahrefs) that you can use to find websites that recently created links to your competitor. If you discover that it’s a major publication or news website then don’t hesitate to get in touch with them.

Sometimes, a little networking is all it takes to get linked from a high authority website, so be active.

Broken Links and Unlinked Mentions

Sometimes, high authority websites link to a business or service webpage that is no longer active. Clicking on that link leads to an unavailable page.

You can step in here to boost your own SEO while helping the website as well. First, create similar content on your website that the broken link previously referenced. Then, get in touch with the publishing platform and request them to link to you instead.

If your content is of good quality and provides the guidance that they need, the business may happily replace the link to your content.

Something similar happens when a high traffic website mentions your business or brand without linking to your website. You can find these social mentions through highly advanced tools like Google Analytics, Brandmention and Trendspottr, among others.

Get in touch with the business and ask if they would want to link to your website where they mention your brand in their content.

In most cases, the website would be happy to link to your website. After all, if they are mentioning your brand on their website or social media, then they are already familiar with your business. Getting a request for a backlink is something that most businesses oblige without reservation.

Continue Producing Great Content

You can’t attract people to buy your products if they are not of superior quality. Similarly, you will find it hard to get other businesses and publishing websites to link to your website if your website copywriting is not top-notch.

You need to consistently produce relevant and valuable content that can benefit visitors who come to your website.

Whether you are selling products, giving advice, teaching skills or building an online entertainment platform, you have got to give other businesses a reason to publicize your website.

Your content needs to be useful enough that other high authority websites feel that they should point their audience towards it. It is difficult to build a consistent online following and no business will risk linking to a website that their readers are not going to enjoy.

Repurpose Text Content as Infographics and Video

If you can create custom illustrations or infographics on your site from existing blogs, there is a good chance that others would like to use them in their content. This gives you a great opportunity to get backlinks.

Writing blogs and articles is relatively easier than creating infographics, charts and illustrations. A popular publishing platform may not have the resources to create the charts and infographics that they would want to use in their content.

You can provide a solution to them by offering infographics and charts on the latest figures. In return, you can ask for a backlink to your website

Most people are happy to add a link back to the source image for any graphics that they’ve used in their online content. If they forget, you can still reach out to them and ask for a backlink.

You can create and publish a library of the latest data charts and infographics about your industry on your website. Businesses are very likely to approach you and ask to link to your website.

Continue Reading: 10 Fatal SEO mistakes you need to avoid

Competition for higher search engine ranking continues to get tougher. Your website’s link profile is an important element in how high your website will rank when users search for information online.

Remember that there is no one size fits all strategy for SEO. Some tips work better in one industry while others are more suitable for a different sector. It is your job to test every tactic and see which one works best for you.

Keep in mind that Google doesn’t care so much about how many links you’ve got pointing to your web pages. It’s more interested in the quality of experience that you create for your users.

Even if you build a thousand links, you won’t rank high if your content is not considered expert, authoritative or trustworthy.

About the Author:

Steven Dean is a Sr. Editor at Content Development Pros, who works with a team of experienced writers to create SEO optimized custom content for large and small companies alike.