
Copywriter of the Week : Chelsea

Advertising is no longer reserved for moments of entertainment. Savvy brands understand that advertising is an accumulation of all the little impressions made on a user.


That’s because we slowly form opinions about brands long before we ever consider purchasing from them. How do they speak to users on social media? Is their website easy to navigate? Do they have diverse representation in their public-facing media? Customers are more discerning than ever, and won’t stick around for brands who have taken shortcuts.


As we continue to invite technology into our homes, technology—and advertising—have the responsibility to recognize that these invitations are a privilege. Brands need to be more thoughtful than ever. If not, they’ll quickly get dismissed as culturally tone-deaf. Or just plain boring.


Instead of looking for their next jingle, brands should focus on the collective experience offered to audiences. The fun stuff will naturally follow. Simply said, brands can’t afford to put anything but their audience first.

Hire Chelsea for your next project

If you work with me, you’ll get a whole lot more than benefits-driven copy (which is still important, of course). I’ve been helping brands connect with audiences since 2009. What started as an interest in social media and trend reporting quickly evolved into a knack for copywriting and user experience (UX).


I specialize in content for e-commerce and SaaS brands. I’ve done work for companies like Airbnb, Le Garage, Lamarque, Manfrotto, and Shopify. But I also enjoy working with start-ups to help them craft considerate user experiences with the right mix of marketing and content design. Most recent collaborations include Moka (an investing app for millennials) and Kiid (an on-demand babysitting service for parents in Montreal).

More about Chelsea

My main services are in English, but I also do English/French translation work. Whether you’re looking for strategic content guidance, a thoughtful tagline, or general branding, I can help you resonate with your audience while achieving your business goals.

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