
Miriam Freelance Copywriter

Freelance copywriters – they’re everywhere. Or so the internet would have you believe. But there’s a world of difference between people willing to string a few sentences together for money and those whose writing is the product of a whole portfolio of relevant knowledge and experience. When you hire a copywriter you rightfully expect to get somebody with an aptitude for manipulating their native language to meet your purpose. But if you’re lucky enough to find one who also has a professional background in business, sales, marketing and PR, you’ll also get a truck-load of added value that goes way beyond words.
There’s no established classification for this type of multi-disciplined copywriter. But there is a name for one who fits the description. Miriam Young.
Miriam is a native English freelance copywriter with extensive experience as a saleswoman, publicist and marketing manager. In addition to her wealth of copywriting experience, of course. She’s worked for clients in so many different industries that learning the ropes of a new one is as natural as typing words into a keyboard. It’s this versatility which often makes her the voice of reason to clients who have become so wrapped up in their own worlds that they’re no longer able to see the wood for the trees. Added value indeed. Oh, and she’s pretty tech-savvy too. Which is something you’d hope for these days.
So what about the woman behind the words? Miriam’s broad perspective comes from having led a pretty colourful life. As a teenager, she was Djing in nightclubs had her own fashion design business. In her late 20s, having already been at the sharp end of magazine publishing and on the team which devised the first-ever UK Heavy Metal awards, she went on tour with bands as their press officer. More recently – not to reveal a lady’s age, she was one of the celebrated Gamesmaker volunteers at the London 2012 Olympics. In 2009 she ran the New York City Marathon. In 2014 she ran the London Marathon. Undeterred by the fact she keeps coming several thousand places behind Mo Farah, she continues to participate in long-distance road races. Miriam has spent extensive periods living away from her native England (currently residing in the Netherlands), which always helps when it comes to appreciating clients’ international business needs. She also transcreates copy from Dutch to English. Now that’s what you call an excellent all-rounder!
View Miriam’s profile and hire her for a freelance gig

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