
The evolution of advertising

What are some of the biggest changes in advertising in the last decade? Advertising has changed drastically during the last few decades, from the printing press to pop-up ads, everything has changed. Apart from that, the evolution of advertising includes new techniques and methods, which raised the need for advertising. Advertising offers one of the best ways of communication: businesses can use advertising to promote their newly launched product or service in the market. Advertising is not for a particular group of people but rather for every demographic. This is carried out by using various advertising media that suits all the requirements of your business.

Using various advertising methods and techniques help to generate more outcome for a business. Now, the questions may arise: why must you take advertising so seriously? Why does it hold so much importance these days? Businesses have a large budget for advertising. It plays an important role in the growth and success of a business.

According to the marketing land report, the amount spent on advertising has increased rapidly: it has reached almost $207 billion till today. The industry represents that digital ad revenue in the US has reached $106 billion, which is approximately 51.5 per cent of total ad sales. Predictions show that the growth rate is going to increase by 30 per cent year over year.


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Here’s a brief and condensed history of the evolution of advertising during the last few decades.

Advertising during the 16th-20th century

Advertising media such as magazines and newspapers were introduced during the 16th century. First Weekly Gazettes was released in Venice, which quickly gained popularity. Soon enough, other European countries adopted this advertising concept.

In 1650, commercial advertisements were carried out for mainly books and quack doctors. However, other industries began using advertising media as a means to promote their products and services.

The use of advertising gained increased momentum during the 18th century, which gave birth to the tradesmen’s adverts. La Presse was the first newspaper to offer paid advertising. Editor Emile de Girardin, launched the Paris newspaper in June 1836. Soon his formula becomes very popular for advertising all over the world.

Display ads came into existence

British newspapers gained huge popularity among industries during the 1850s and 1860s. During the 20th century, the father of modern advertising, Thomas J. Barratt, started an advertising campaign for advertising various company products.

This advertising campaign used various images, phrases and targeted slogans for advertising. One of the most famous slogans of a British newspaper in the 20th century was ‘Good morning. Have you used Pears’ soap?’.

Mellin’s Food was the first brand that used 25 airship flights to advertise its brand in 1902. Later, radio advertisement came into existence in 1922. During that time, businesses had to pay $100 for 10 mins advertisement on Radio.

The evolution of advertising that has led to the introduction of the latest technologies

The introduction of VCRs brought a drastic change in the advertising world. During 1975, businesses started using VCRs to record various shows. After that, computers and the internet came into existence, opening a new scope and opportunity for advertisers.

Later in 1994, email campaigns and banner ads were introduced allowing businesses to reach their targeted audience. YouTube and Facebook both became very popular during the early 2000s. Now, the two companies have become some of the most successful advertising media platforms for business with a huge audience base.


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The revolution of display advertising

WebConnect agency introduced advertisement placing tools in 1995. This tool helped businesses to know who was more affected by their advertising. WebConnect’s proprietary tool provided the data of customers, which helped businesses to know who had visited their website and for what purpose. It also helps the advertiser to track impressions, click-through rates, ad views, to name just a few insight tools.

Online advertising becomes king

According to a statista survey, there are 3.65 billion internet users worldwide, the number of internet users increases with each passing day. The number of monthly active users on Facebook was 2.2 billion in 2019, which means almost half of the internet users are on Facebook worldwide. Therefore, to reach this audience online, it becomes mandatory for businesses to develop an online presence.

In order to easily reach their target audiences, businesses have access to multiple advertising platforms. They are opting for multiple advertising solutions for their business to reach the audience they desire. Businesses are taking the support of developers and marketers to help lead their sales to the next level of success. There are many hire developers and marketers online who can offer the best solution for their business, which not only helps them to reach a huge audience base online but will also help them to boost their business globally.

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The debut of PPC Advertising

GoTo.com introduced PPC in 1998: a pay-for-placement concept that later evolved to pay-per-click advertising. Using these platform advertisers could easily bid on search queries that contain relevant keywords. Before the introduction of PPC, cost-per-thousand impressions and cost-per-mille (CPM) was used for deciding the cost of advertisements.

Google introduced search engine advertising in December 1999. However, it doesn’t come into existence until they introduced the AdWords system in October 2000. Using the AdWords system, advertisers can easily create text ads that can be placed on the Google search engine.

Social Media Advertising

20th century was dominated to display advertising and PPC search and during this time, social networks such as YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook gained huge popularity among the online population. Facebook ranks second in digital advertising after Google. Nowadays, Twitter has become one of the best sources for advertising real-time content, whereas LinkedIn has become a valuable B2B network. All these social media platforms offer an excellent advertising platform for advertisers.

The advertising industry has dramatically changed during the last few years and there’s no sign of it coming to a stand-still.

Learn more about advertising: The confusing world of advertising

Author Bio

Manoj Rupareliya is the Online Marketing Expert and Blogger. He is an experienced writer with expertise in the field of technology, blockchain, crypto, AI, Digital Marketing and SEO. He writes blogs aimed at providing credible help and insights for readers who want to stay updated all the time. Linkedin | Twitter