The perfect Dutch freelance copywriter for your next project

Are you looking for a Dutch freelance copywriter to sharpen up your web content? You may be looking for a freelance SEO copywriter who will raise your Google rankings. Or do you need some good copy for an online B-2-B campaign? We have answered some frequently asked questions about hiring a Dutch copywriter.

Where can I find the right Dutch freelance copywriter for my company?

Google “Dutch copywriter” and you will get over a hundred thousand results. Quite a challenge to choose the right person for your assignment. Fortunately, there are agencies and platforms where you can find the most experienced, reliable and flexible copywriters in the Netherlands.

View their portfolios and decide who you want to work with. Or ask an agent to select a copywriter for you who is guaranteed to complete an assignment.

How do I inform a freelance copywriter of what I’m looking for?

Each assignment is unique but they all start off at the same place: with a clear briefing. You can fill in a briefing form to ensure all the project details are included. For a no-fuss solution,  just call an agent and explain to them what you are looking for.

How do we determine the quality of a copywriter?

To answer that question, we have to first determine what we understand by a ‘good Dutch copywriter’. A number of strict criteria apply to this. For example, a freelance copywriter must have at least 10-years of experience. They must demonstrably create creative and effective work. Have nominations and awards in the trophy cabinet. Be active in various sectors and know the dynamics of corporate brands as well as of smaller companies through and through.

How to choose a copywriter with proven qualities?

Creative and experienced writers who are guaranteed to deliver within your deadline and budget. Review tools such as Trustpilot and Google Reviews give you a good indication of the quality of the copywriter and the agency. Customers’ experiences also say a lot about the speed, reliability and flexibility of the copywriters.

How do I find a copywriter who specialises in my industry?

It works very well if the copywriter you hire knows a little about the subject. So find a copywriter with knowledge of your sector. Whether your business is healthcare, recruitment, IT, telecom, finance, retail, automotive or pharmaceutical, there is always a copywriter who understands your business.

A copywriter who understands both B-2-B and B-2-C?

Whether you are reaching out to a business client of a customer, an experienced copywriter will be able to adapt the copy to your business’ tone of voice. They always know how to find the right balance between reason and emotion. They know the principles of belief that work and they always ensure that a text runs smoothly.

Does a copywriter know what content is required for a project?

Absolutely. Good copywriters have experienced all-rounders who are used to coming up with texts and ideas for internal and external communications, employer branding, translation, the list goes on. They understand the power of multi-media.

Content that converts, words that work.Girl sat on wooden floor leaning against white-painted brick wall. Working on pink laptop with a pile of books on her right and a coffee cup to her left.

But of course, there are also specialists. Copywriters who write effective SEO and SEA texts. A blog that you read in the same breath. The whitepaper with which you transfer your knowledge. A web video that tells your story in seconds. A billboard that does sells in just a few words. A pay-off that you can use for years to come.

What is the rate of a freelance copywriter?

The hourly rate of a copywriter depends on a number of factors.

First, the degree of experience a copywriter has. It is logical that a highly experienced copywriter who produces effective, high-quality copy delivered quickly should be paid a higher rate.

A second factor is the size of the assignment. For example, a one-time assignment for a press release will cost a bit more than a blog monthly.

Finally, the complexity of the assignment has an influence on the rate. With complex assignments, the preparation time is longer than with simple assignments.

Usually, agencies for copywriters work with pre-agreed project prices, so that you will not be faced with any surprise bills after.

What does it cost to have a website (re)written by a freelance copywriter?

In itself, a logical question is, if you want to (re)write your website. Still, a little more input is needed to help answer this question: How much text are you talking about? What is the level of difficulty? Is there a complete briefing? These are all matters that have an impact on the rate and that your copywriter or agent can quickly answer.

Why hire a professional copywriter?

Yes, why actually? Anyone can write? As an entrepreneur, you know everything about your products and services and it saves you a lot of money.

Once you have worked with a professional copywriter, you know that things are different. For comparison: you can talk, but that doesn’t make you a TED Talk speaker. You can cycle, but you are not yet a professional cyclist. You can ask questions, but not like how Matthijs and Eva do.

This also applies to writing. It takes blood, sweat and tears to do it properly. It’s the 80% effort required to put that 20% talent to work. It’s those 10,000 flight hours required. Actually, it’s the same thing that makes you a professional in any field, right?

An experienced copywriter will bring your story back to the essence.

You indeed know everything about your company or organisation, perhaps too much. An experienced copywriter knows how to reduce your story to the essentials. They have an outside view of your organisation, looking at it from the perspective of your customer. Because the trick is not to say what you want to say, but what your customer wants to hear.

Finally, the budget. You do indeed save money when you do it yourself. But for sure, you will take much longer to complete the task and the results simply won’t be as good as if a professional did it for you.

Need a Dutch freelance copywriter today?

Sometimes a writing job is in a great hurry. An agency for copywriters was then established. Because they work with a collective of copywriters, there is always someone available in the short term. Do you have a large assignment with a tight deadline?

An experienced copywriter can do more.

An experienced copywriter is much more than just a copywriter. Writing is their profession and copy is what they deliver. But before they get started, they like to collaborate with you and learn about your market, your target group, the customer journey, your brand. They know a lot about strategy, media and sales. All that knowledge and experience is incorporated into your texts.

This is a blog from Copywriter Collective. We have been supplying the best copywriters for 20 years. Customers rate us with a 4.7 on Trustpilot and 5 stars on Google Reviews. Call now and receive your quote within 4 hours!