5 Advertising trends that rule the market in 2020

Just a few years ago, artificial intelligence and interactive data were impressive technologies that only a few businesses dared to delve into. Today, these innovative trends are foundational components of any effective advertising strategy. Considering the pace with which the technology is advancing, it is definitely not a surprise that everything that relies on it needs to move at a comparable speed; and the advertising industry is no exception.

Digital marketers, freelancers and business owners are franticly trying to keep up with the unending updates and algorithm changes because having an awareness of even the smallest detail in this field is a vital rule to help you stand out from the crowd.

Here are a few trends that will keep you on top of your marketing game in 2020.


1. Social media is the new google

With universal accessibility to a global platform that allows candid self-expression, advertising has taken a new path to reach people across the planet. In 2018, there were an estimated 2.65 billion social media users online. This number is set to eclipse 3 billion in 2021, nearly half of the entire world’s population! There is no doubt that social media has secured a fundamental position in online branding.

Social media provides countless opportunities for business owners and freelancers. Considering the fact that almost 72% of Instagram users have made a purchase through the app and over 4000 Pinterest users showed that 70% of them used Pinterest to search for new products, the validation of social media as a viable sales engine has been proven. Consider revamping your social media presence to nurture prospective customers into your sales funnel.


2. Create augmented and virtual reality

This trend has taken the market by storm in recent years. Almost 75% of major companies have been using this technique to give their customers an idea as to how the product will look in their required surroundings. It conveniently allows you to visualize any scenario to have a better understanding of the product. That is why virtual and augmented reality has rightfully become one of the top marketing trends. Find a way to show your customers what your product or service would look like in their lives today.

Targeted advertising is the most effective when the message is crafted to fit the receiver. Machine learning, artificial intelligence, and any related technologies can eliminate most of the guesswork and improve your interaction with the customers. Many successful brands such as Amazon and Spotify have integrated AI in their marketing campaigns. For instance, Amazon displays your preferred products according to your searches. This results in higher chances of a shopper making an initial purchase or becoming a return customer. Warby Parker also does a great job of this by allowing users to see what their glasses would look on their face by using integrated AR in their customer app. Find ways to give customers a way to personally experience your product or service before they have to make a final purchasing decision.

Moreover, AI also plays an important role in effective programmatic advertisement and cost-effective optimized campaigns. This results in more accurate branding and precise audience targeting.


3. Develop interactive content to capture attention

With today’s advanced technology, every buyer is looking for new experiences online. And for many, this means increasing interactions with other humans. In reality, 91% of consumers want high interactive and visual content and there are many reasons why interactive content is so important:

  • Interactive content captures and improves consumer engagement
  • Such content is the perfect tool to make your visitors stay longer.
  • You can easily share this content on various forums and earn maximum exposure for your brand.
  • In short, interactive content is really engaging.

According to a survey, people kept on watching live Instagram and Facebook videos for three times longer time periods as compared to the recorded ones. And this is the reason for Facebook live videos to quadruple in just a single year. This proves the fact that people are more appealed to visual content and tend to be more engaged when compared to traditional publications such as blog posts and articles.


4. Personalise your advertisements

Personalization is the new cool in the marketing world. It is natural for a customer to turn off an advertisement that doesn’t speak to them on an individual level. This is the reason why traditional marketing techniques are getting out of business.

According to a survey, 90% of users showed higher engagement towards interactive ads. Even more motivating is the fact that almost 80% of the consumers declare their preference for personalized advertisement. Giving your customers a special experience that they can connect with is the most effective strategy moving into the next decade.

An influential reserve for most marketers is an email list. Personalized emails sent to relevant email lists is way more effective than a generic email to the entire list. Grab this opportunity to speak to your tribe more confidently.


5. Promote your content

You are what you reflect. And that is true for marketers as your content is the reflection of your company culture. The greater the quality of your content, the higher the traffic and the more authority you will have to attract more customers. In our consultancy, we publish articles that help businesses thrive but spend the greater majority of our time promoting content; because no matter how good your work is, no one will see it without a comprehensive promotion strategy.

Advertisers have been focused on content creation since the dawn of media. However, with social media ruling the marketing world for more than a decade, consumers now expect premium blog posts, updates and high-quality videos when connecting with a company. With competition so high to garner attention, you need to create something extraordinary to direct the spotlight to your brand.

A recent survey showed that nearly 85% of online recognition for business was attributed to content promotion.

The days of publishing and waiting are over; in 2020 publishers will need to master the art of content promotion to survive.

In short, the challenges that marketers face have never been more daunting. To reach your customers, you must manage the message and create new ways to deliver this message effectively. With these techniques in hand, advertisers are better equipped and organized for what the next decade brings. Will you be ready?


Continue Reading: 7 Tips for freelancers to stand out in the gig economy


About the Author:

Wesley Cherisien is a speaker, trainer, entrepreneur and tech investor who is thriving to build an ecosystem of successful young entrepreneurs. Wesley has personally penned hundreds of articles, books and training guides for organizations in the Fortune 500, consultants and authors spanning across multiple industries. Currently the managing director of WesleyCherisien.com, Wesley is a creative and highly innovative thinker with 10+ years of experience writing for online publications. His work is featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Fox News, Business.com, Business 2 Community HR Magazine and CareerBuilder.