January 2008 news update

In this edition

Share the good news
Mailing lists
Permanent vacancy
Pay The Creative!
End of month drinks

Got good news? Then don’t keep it to yourself!

Each month The Collective sends a newsletter to our agency client base with information about what’s new, who’s new and what’s new with who.

If you’ve got news about awards or pitches you’ve won then let us know and we’ll share that with our clients, giving you a nice bit of extra promo.

By way of an example, the following information was included in our most recent client newsletter:

Our Conceptual Copywriters are the best!!

We kick off the new year with news of pitch and award wins for two of our Conceptual Copywriters.

Martin Mol continues to be the pitch-winning king. Having won two pitches for Renault Car Events and international pitch for Elan yachts end of 2007, he’s won his thirrd pitch in a row. This time it’s for Linxair, a company that hires luxury planes for business flights. (Martin’s slogan: Linxair. Fly more than business class.) Martin made a total campaign concept from TVC to Direct Mail together with “a really crazy” new media idea for facebook,myspace…etc… So as he says, he can now drive (Renault), sail (Elan) and also fly (Linxair). Martin can’t wait to take on his next project. Could it be yours?

Our other award winner this month is Phil Webb. His short film has won Best Short Film in the Moving Pictures Magazine 2008 Short film competition and Best Comedy at the 2008 London Short Film Festival . Phil will be at the Sundance Film Festival to pick up the Moving Pictures Magazine award in a couple of weeks time.

The Collective extends congratulations to them both.

So email your good news to Miriam@thecollective.net. Your on-line profile will also be updated with any relevant information.

Mailing lists

All freelancers registered with The Collective should all have received an email inviting you to register to our new mailing list. Many of you have already done so, which is going to make things run a lot smoother in the future. Thank you.

If for any reason you are reading this but have not received the invitation/signed up to the new mailing list then please do so by going to the following URL: http://www.benchmarkemail.com/listbuildercustom.aspx?id=4858


We are still waiting to receive 2008 VARs from a number of people. If you invoice us from The Netherlands and have not yet sent us a copy of your VAR for 2008 then please do so ASAP. You can download the application form from http://download.belastingdienst.nl/belastingdienst/docs/aanvraag_verklaring_arbeidsrelatie_al0931z7pl.pdf

If you don’t invoice from The Netherlands then you don’t need a VAR.


Permanent vacancy for Senior Project-/Account Manager

A strategic design and communication company in central Amsterdam is on the hunt for a senior project/account manager. They need somebody who is fluent in Dutch, which is why we haven’t translated the following company description.

If you or anybody you know are interested, please contact casper@thecollective.net

”The Company” maakt organisaties beter zichtbaar, onderscheidend en toegankelijk. We creëren merkidentiteiten en campagnes en we ontwikkelen websites en documenten voor aansprekende opdrachtgevers binnen de overheid, non-profit en bedrijfsleven. Bij “The Company” werken 75 mensen. Kenmerkend is de informele, professionele sfeer waarin creativiteit en verbeeldingskracht centraal staan. “The Company” wil een inspirerende en betrokken partner zijn voor haar klanten.


Pay the Creative!

This You Tube item should press a few buttons when it comes to reminding you of the value of your work… http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=mj5IV23g-fE


End of month drinks

January’s end of the month drinks really will be at the end of the month, as we’re going to host it on Thursday 31st January.

Time: 17:00-20:00

Location: Vijzelstraat 67, 1017 HGAmsterdam.

An RSVP email to Miriam@thecollective.net to let us know whether to expect you is always welcome!


That wraps it up for this month. Just think, the days are getting longer again…………….

The Collective Team