
Copywriting Competition: presidential re-election campaign slogan for Donald Trump 2020

Want to take part in our copywriting competition?

For his 2020 re-election campaign, Donald Trump will run with the slogan, ‘Keep America Great’ and ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’. But can the copywriters of the world come up with a better campaign slogan?

Being the copywriter who has to come up with a snappy campaign slogan for the re-election of the President of the United States must be an arduous job: A good slogan should be short and sweet. Catchy and relatable. This is the essence of a political campaign, so it’s got to be good. No pressure.

To take our minds away from the fact that there is a possibility that Trump could be President for another 4 years, we want you to come up with a dazzlingly witty re-election slogan to sway the masses.

The grand prize

The copywriter who produces the best election campaign slogan, as determined by a democratic social media vote, will win a Donald Trump goody-bag, featuring a selection of the very best Trump memorabilia.

Have you been searching for the best American Copywriter available now? Here is our copywriting agency’s collection of the top American Freelance Copywriters currently specialized.

How to enter

Tweet your slogan with the Copywriter Collective handle and the hashtag, #trumpslogancompetition. Or you can send your slogan to us via the Copywriter Collective Facebook page.

Send over as many slogans as you like – there are no limits.
NOTE: Please Follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook so we can inform you of the results.


We’ll be accepting entries up until a new extended of deadline 31st August so there is still plenty of time to get started.

Winners (UPDATED: 17.9.20)

Congratulations to the winner of the Copywriting Competition, Jordan Domin!

His witty slogan, ‘If you thought the last 4 years were crazy’ won the heart of the Copywriter Collective community.


Follow us on our social media pages to find out about future competitions.