What does a website copywriter add to your website?

We all know that a copywriter writes texts for websites. But did you know that a good and experienced website copywriter does much more than that? They will write your web texts in at least 10 different ways. We are here to tell you why freelance copywriters are a lot like Swiss pocket knives.

Improve your business plan

Because a copywriter likes to tell a logical and understandable story to your target audience, they have a built-in bullshit detector. During the copywriter’s briefing, you will enthusiastically tell them about your business plan and the products and services you offer. A copywriter likes to go along with that enthusiasm but also likes to draw your attention to any implausible or unrealistic parts of your story. Often, the copywriter has a solution on the spot by framing or articulating your story slightly differently. Everything to prevent crooked copy.

Sometimes it can happen that the creative spirit of your copywriter just helps you to strategically improve your business plan. For example, by tapping into a new target group, finding an extra distribution channel, introducing a pricing mechanism or working together with a strategic partner.

Bridging the gap between the product and the consumer

A copywriter will do everything to sell your story and the interests of the consumer or the business customer are just as important. He likes to be the devil’s advocate. After all, your customer must be convinced by your story. To achieve that, the story needs to match the needs of your potential customer.

Think of your website and other communication as the bridge that is built between an offer that stands on one quay and the buyers that are on the other. How do they easily reach each other? Exactly, by building an attractive and accessible bridge from the right arguments.

Feel the spirit of the times

An experienced copywriter has a perfectly tuned antenna for the zeitgeist. They will respond to sentiments in a society where possible and tailor your story accordingly. For example, have you noticed that since the beginning of the Corona crisis, words such as ‘together’, ‘support’ and ‘with each other’ have become much more common? While pre-COVID pandemic, it is much more, every-brand-for-itself. Responding to current events can ensure sympathy for your brand and your message. This increases brand preference and willingness to buy, which is of course what you want.

Your story, optimally told

Who knows your story better than you do? Of course, you were there from day 1. You have been a part of every step in the development of your company, organisation or brand. All the ups and downs are in the fibres of your being. In short; you are the story. Although you seem to be the perfect person to tell your own story, having a copywriter put it in writing it is a bit different.

That has to do with 3 things. First, people often find it difficult to distinguish the principal storyline and the sub-plot within a story. Your copywriter will help you determine what will really hit your target audience and what you should better avoid.

Second, telling a story and subject is separate. Compare it to telling a joke. How many people can do that really well? How many stand-up comedians can do that really well? Hollywood’s successful storytellers can also be counted on a few hands. A copywriter helps you structure your story and tell it convincingly.

Third, the medium determines how best to tell your story. That is why your copywriter writes long copy for websites or long-read blog posts, as well as stories with a 280 character limit for social media.

A unique tone of voice for your brand

The right tone of voice

The tone with which you communicate largely determines your brand personality. And your brand personality ensures that you appeal to your target group, leading to conversions. It is therefore important to choose the right tone of voice.

Your copywriter will help you make the right choice between personal and professional. Between formal and informal. Between spontaneous and thoughtful. Between edgy and traditional. Between accessible and exclusive. By playing with all these elements, a writing style is created that is unique to your brand. This provides extra distinction and attractiveness.

A website copywriter cuts the crap

With the sheer volume of content pouring out over us today, catching people’s attention is quite a challenge. If you know that you only have a few seconds to get your eyes and/or ears on you, you know that you have to delete every unnecessary word and image.

In addition to the pen, the pruning shears are an important tool for an online copywriter. It is not an easy process to determine what is and what is not important in your message. But it is necessary. Your copywriter is happy to help you and can quickly show you the difference between a longer and shorter version of a text.

Tip: choose short and sweet.

An effective call to action

All texts and images on your website ultimately have only one goal: to envoke action, whether that is requesting more information or ordering a product in the webshop.

Directing visitors to the desired call to action is very close. Fortunately, through response measurements, we know a lot about people’s online behaviour. Any experienced web copywriter knows that too.

It’s about when and where on the site you use which activating words. When is someone triggered enough to request an e-book or to place an order? A copywriter takes the website visitor through the different phases of the buyer journey. From drawing attention to a subject and arousing interest in a solution, to triggering an acute need to take action.

Online copywriters are experts in the theory behind the behavioural change and psychological influence, and you can really reap the benefits from it.

SEO terms processed naturally

You know what they are; those forceful, unnatural texts that the search terms process. That’s when a text no longer reads well and you lose the content and purpose of the text.

Findability is one thing, but the keywords should never get in the way of readability. A good SEO copywriter will always find the balance between the two. They are also aways open to collaboration with your web builder. This creates an optimal combination between text and technique.

Nothing is more important to a brand than consistency

What does a website copywriter add to your website?

Consistent copy

Even if the assignment is a new website, a website copywriter who knows what brand building means will never reinvent the wheel. After all, nothing is more important to a brand than consistency. That is why web texts always build on what has been done in the past, unless it is a brand new brand, of course.

Therefore, at the briefing, a copywriter will ask about successful communication from the past. What were the words and images used there? How can we re-use existing texts? Because why would you throw away good texts?

But also: how does the brand communicate on other channels, for example on radio and TV, on billboards and in advertisements. After all, a brand speaks with one voice, which should sound the same everywhere.

An all-round website copywriter

Speaking of other media and resources; the advantage of an experienced web copywriter is that he or she is all-rounded. Once you have given a briefing for your site and received quality copy, you can continue immediately with social media posts, an e-book or an online video.

Experienced copywriters are T-shaped professionals. This means that they have a broad knowledge of all kinds of media channels, combined with an in-depth knowledge of texts.

Brief once and you are ready for your total communication. Guaranteed with the same consistent tone of voice. Sounds amazing, right?

This is a blog from Copywriter Collective. We have been supplying the best copywriters for 20 years. Customers rate us with a 4.5 on Trustpilot and 5 stars on Google Reviews. Call now and receive your quote within 4 hours! Find us on Facebook to keep up to date with Copywriter Collective news.