
6 Tips when choosing a website copywriter

Setting up a website can be a minefield. There are many aspects to consider – theme, font, layout, content, the list goes on. But choosing the perfect website copywriter will make your life that little bit easier.

Here are some tips for hiring the perfect copywriter for setting up or updating your website.

1. Search for a copywriter who has experience writing websites

Hiring a copywriter that can write website content is arguably the most important aspect to consider when choosing the right copywriter for your project. This should really be the first thing you look for in a website copywriter.

There are thousands of copywriters offering their services and they all have expertise in different industries, practising different copy.

Of course, a website copywriter may practise different forms of writing, however, if you want a high-quality website, you need to find an experienced copywriter who can offer this. If you are on a budget (see point 6) you may prefer to find a less experienced website copywriter who doesn’t charge as much.

Personally, I would recommend hiring a website copywriter who knows the ropes. There are many aspects to consider when putting together a webpage (which we’re going to go into) and hiring a copywriter who knows what they’re doing is only going to benefit you and your business in the long run.

2.Search for a specialist copywriter who is knowledgeable of your industry

If a copywriter knows your industry, they are familiar with industry terms and they know your audience and their desires. They are able to write content that your website visitors can relate to.

When a copywriter is passionate about what they’re writing about, it comes out in their work, so find a writer who is genuinely interested in your industry.

3.  Search for a copywriter who is knowledgeable of SEO

SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimisation’. This makes it easier for clients to find your website on search engines such as Google.

A website copywriter will have a good understanding of SEO and can create content that ranks favourably in the search engines. A website copywriter would take into consideration the following SEO-friendly practices when creating content:

  • Well researched keywords and keyword phrases associated with your brand. SEO is pretty much built on keywords. A good website copywriter will have a list of keywords and keyword phrases that would be integrated into the copy throughout your website.
  • Interesting and informative text.
  • Well structured content that includes headings, subheadings and anchor texts. This is extremely important for a website’s SEO as this is where the search engines pick up on the keywords. As well as this, it makes reading the website easier for your visitors.
  • At least 300 words per page. – This number changes from day-to-day, but if you have a detailed website with enough information that is, in fact, information and not just garble, you will rank higher on the search engines.
  • Meta description and meta tags that would assist potential clients in finding your website. This is the description of a website that pops up when you type a keyword into a search engine. (see image below) This copy needs to be appealing, after all, you want people to visit your website.Meta desciption and meta tags example
  • Pay particular attention to spelling and grammar. If you want a high-quality website, your copywriter has to produce meticulous work. We’re all guilty of making the occasional spelling mistakes, even the best copywriters have fallen victim to the typo, but search engines are unforgiving when it comes to spelling and grammar mistakes.

4. Search for a copywriter who understands your tone of voice

All copywriters are trained to adapt their writing to suit their client’s tone of voice but this is especially relevant for website copywriters. Particularly when it comes to writing the ‘about us’ page. This tends to be the first page a visitor reads when they visit your website, especially if they aren’t fully aware of your business.

On the ‘about page’, you really want to flex your muscles. Share the story of your company, how it started, share your story, how you came about creating this company, share your products, any charities you support.

Put it all down and your website copywriter will work their magic, taking all the information you have given them and creating a compelling piece of copy that stays with your company’s tone of voice.

You want the content to be compelling, on-brand and easy to read. You may have to work with the copywriter in order to get the tone of voice just right.

5. Search for a copywriter who has good communication skills

This goes for all copywriters: when hiring a website copywriter, you want to be involved as much as possible with the creation of the content. This ensures that they are sticking to the brief and that they are including all the information that’s needed. As well as this, by staying in the loop during the process, you get your money’s worth.

Instead of waiting until the last minute to read the copy only to get a nasty surprise when you discover it’s not what you wanted, you are able to direct the copywriter and work with them to create your desired content.

6.  Search for a copywriter who charges the right price

Let’s not beat about the bush, we all have a budget and we all have a price. Depending on your own budget, determines the type of copywriter you can afford. Like anything, the higher the price, the better quality the service.

So, if you want to make an impact, you have to be willing to pay more for a website copywriter.  Don’t forget, your website is the first port-of-call for a potential client, so make it stand out.

Find the perfect website copywriter from the Copywriter Collective talent pool.

Heather Buchanan London photographer and copywriterAbout the author:

Heather Buchanan is a London-based copywriter and photographer assisting clients in storytelling and content creation.