
5 Digital marketing trends for freelancers

One of the most diverse industries today is none other than digital marketing. It is exciting to watch digital marketing trends because this world experiences fast-paced changes. There has been a dramatic increase in digital marketing jobs for freelancers. The trend of hiring freelancers for digital marketing roles has experienced significant growth in the past few years. According to studies, more people are hiring freelancers for running their digital marketing campaigns. While some digital marketing trends of 2018 are here to stay, there are important trends for freelancers predicted for the coming year.

These five digital marketing trends for freelancers have been circulating the industry and will continue to advance and become more popular. So freelancers, keep an eye on these pointers:

1. Artificial intelligence at its best

A number of industries are making the most out of artificial intelligence by incorporating it in different areas of work. Artificial intelligence has revolutionized digital marketing. In fact, AI is changing digital marketing because of its ability to gather, analyze and apply data. As it is improving continuously and its capabilities are advancing, it is a given that it is bringing changes in digital strategies and freelancers need to keep up with the changes to succeed.

2. Personalization should be a priority

The audience is looking for more connections these days. Gone are the days when you could just focus on the possible sales and profit. We now have to focus on discovering what the customer wants. However, modern-day digital marketing trends indicate that personalization is a priority. Customers are the ones you have to target and freelancers should keep this in mind to establish loyalty in their audience.

3. Ads specifically targeting the audience

As artificial intelligence is now being used in digital marketing, it can help in improving ads that are now developed for specifically targeting a certain audience. These highly-targeted ads lead to converted customers. This can increase your sales and brand loyalty in the long run. Freelancers should make use of these ads as they can be created specifically for the profile of your target customers. This will help you in getting the right attention and exposure you need for your services.

4. Social media is a must

As billions of people are using social media every day, it is no surprise that experts recommend that freelancers use this tool for marketing their own services. While you can use various platforms, it is a good idea to identify the platform used by your potential customers and start engaging with them. This involves sharing content like videos.

5. Don’t forget about SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a vital tool for marketing your freelance business. It is essentially a way to optimize your digital presence on the internet. When your website is fully optimized, it becomes easier for search engines and their users to find you.

Keeping up with these digital marketing trends will aid freelancers in expanding their services.

Author Bio:

Sidra has helped both well established and start-up digital marketing agency takes their ideas from sticky notes and whiteboards to fully develop robust manpower that serves vast specialized communities. Her expertise ranges from Tech Hiring to CXO level Blogging. Get in touch with her for more information.