
The Most Powerful Emotive Marketing Words Live In “Us”

It’s a big WIDE OPEN web out there… and in today’s online world we’re being encouraged to make it bigger, faster! We’re all being encouraged to blog, share our knowledge and good things will follow. But with blogs, sites, social media rapidly multiplying, how do we make our voice heard? This blogpost looks at how the answer is closer at hand than we initially think, the answer lies within “you”.

With over 968 million websites live on the World Wide Web today, that’s a lot of content spilling out into the ethos.

Okay, I grant you, not all of those websites will be your competition. But if you’re a UK based business marketing to the UK as a whole, there are over 10 million active websitesregistered, not to mention all the .com sites that also target the UK market.

Of course, not all of those will be your competition either. But let’s say as an example you’re a nutritionist based in the UK. Being 2014, with Internet communications what they are, it’s no longer necessary to restrict your marketing efforts to your local area – Skype and other VoIP services allow customer and client relationships to flourish regardless of distance – so for these purposes we’ll imagine you’re targeting all of the UK. A quick search for the keyword “nutritionist UK based” brought up over 7 million results. Even accounting for over half of those results not being relevant, that’s still a lot of competition.

For those results that are relevant, the self-employed nutritionist trying to get traffic to her website to gain new business, it’s no wonder she may be struggling to compete. Just imagine that each one of those competitors are also producing online content – blog articles, newsletters, website content, email campaigns, etc. – how can her (your) content stand out amongst all the others?

The simple answer is by ensuring you use your own true personality when creating content.

It’s amazing to see the difference between a person’s true personality and their professional tone of voice. They can be worlds apart.

But why?

There are two possible reasons. The first – society. Particularly here in the UK, we’re brought up to keep our opinions to ourselves rather than express them. So whilst many of us have the skills and expertise, not enough of us really know where we stand in terms of our views.

The second – inner confidence. In our professional life we can often lack the real confidence to stand up and express our opinions, particularly online for all to see. They could be controversial. But perhaps more relevant, they’re likely to be revealing, and to reveal oneself on the Internet can be daunting.

Powerful Emotive Marketing Words and Phrases

In reality, it’s this realness – your true personality and beliefs – that will provide your business with the differentiation it needs to compete. People often ask me for my thoughts on what makes the most powerful emotive marketing words and phrases? The answer is nearly always “words that come from the heart”, form the “real us” that we truly “mean”.

By striping yourself of your ‘fake’ professional traits and writing as you are, your content will be more interesting, engaging, persuasive, and it’s much more likely to stand out amongst the drab industry norm. Through it your readers will get to know you better. They’ll start liking you – those that don’t weren’t the right fit for your business anyway – and they’ll start trusting you. Then once you’ve gained their trust, making the sale is so much easier.

How to Find Your Professional Self:

  1. Note how you speak about your work to friends and family. What views do you express easily that you don’t express professionally?
  2. What has impressed you recently within any aspect of your life?
  3. Why did it have an impression on you?
  4. Note down every time in your life you are really impressed. What qualities can you find that links them all?
  5. When you dream of your best self, how do you act?
  6. How would you write?
  7. What would impress your clients about your best self?

Oh and one last thought, it’s important to remind yourself not to go off course. Whatever content you distribute, yes, ensure it’s you. Your personality. Your beliefs. But also make sure it’s relevant to your reader by talking about THEM, not about YOU! i.e. they are your target audience. Always keep them in mind when writing, make them want to continue reading and to continue engaging with you, your brand, your business. So, who is the real you? Can you help yourself stand forward online?

About the Author: Phil Byrne
phil byrne

I’m Phil Byrne, a web marketeer in the UK. I have always been an internet person, right from the early days of dial up access in the pre Google era. I write online about my major passion for emotive web marketing and brand positivity. I hope the posts here help you take your online marketing in new and successful directions.