
New company name: The Copywriter Collective

After 10 years as ‘The Collective of International Advertising Creatives’, we have decided to start 2013 by changing our name to ‘The Copywriter Collective’. It’s a small change but one we feel necessary to strengthen our brand and differentiate ourselves from the millions of other Collectives in different industries out there.
Last year, over 85% of our jobs were for copywriters – half English copywriters and half other nationalities – and so it’s clear what the advertising industry needs from us.
No. 1 one for copywriter in Google
Everyone knows that the internet is the be all and end of all of our industry and search engines decide the winners and the losers. It’s our ambition to be No.1 search result for ‘copywriter’ and to do this we need to incorporate the word in our name.
We will continue to represent creative directors, strategists, art directors and designers. The jobs that came through us for art directors and designers in particular came because they had to work with copywriters on jobs. So far from meaning less work for art directors and designers, we hope that by becoming The Copywriter Collective we will actually get more work for them.
There was some debate about the grammatical correctness of The Copywriter Collective. It’s particularly important because we are writers – The Copywriter’s Collective is technically correct but as we operate internationally it starts to get confusing for our customers so we have kept it as simple as possible.
The new logo will be coming soon. We will be keeping the same font and house-style.

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  1. […] Collectieven binnen de verschillende bedrijfstakken. Vorig jaar waren meer dan 85% van al onze opdrachten voor copywriters – de ene helft voor Engelse copywriters en de andere helft voor andere […]

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