
What New Brands Really Stand Out for Their Great Copy?

There are currently more than 500,000 new brands in 2,000 different categories worldwide, all fighting for their audiences’ attention daily. In this endless sea of ​​competitors, being unique and memorable is key to building brand awareness. Enter copywriting.

If writing authentic copy was a simple task, all the brands would be Nike – they would just do it (see what we did there?).

Sadly, it is not. The simplest copy is often incredibly complex to execute because it requires communicating as much as possible in as few words as possible – remember Hemingway’s renowned six-word story?

But it’s worth the effort; concise and clear copy works. Research has shown that people read only 20% of web pages. Users’ attention span is only getting shorter, so let’s see how popular brands are making that 20% count!

10 Brands To Follow For Copywriting Inspiration

From playful and publicious to masterfully clear, these B2C and B2B brands are serving us with some serious copywriting skills:

1. BarkBox

BarkBox charms customers with pictures of adorable puppies and fun word play.

However, the fascinating thing about BarkBox’s copy is their audience, i.e., audiences; the brand addresses both you and your dog. You feel that your friends from BarkBox understand, think of you, and walk beside you.

Let’s take, for example, the September BarkBox theme copy – “Bark to school – With your best friend by your side, this is the year you’re gonna drool the school”.

BarkBox knows dogs are often a “task” – or a chore – for the youngest members of the family who go to school, and they address this directly. This is what evokes all those #relatable moments – identifying your audience’s sentiments and verbalizing them.

2. Ahrefs

One example of excellent copy is Ahrefs, one of the leading SEO tools for keyword research, competition, and backlink building. Ahrefs is not modest in its approach – and frankly, there is no reason to be. The brand simply says: “Everything you need to rank higher and get more traffic.”

The Ahrefs copy also leverages some social proof claiming that their product is used by marketers from the world’s leading companies, such as Facebook, eBay, and Netflix, and that 11,584 new accounts were opened in the last seven days.

The message is clear. Ahrefs is one of the leading names in the world of SEO tools and they have the copy to prove it.

3. DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo is a search engine that emphasizes privacy in every interaction with users.

Some of DuckDuckGo’s most famous samples of copywriting are:

  • “Take back your privacy. Switch to a search engine that doesn’t track you”
  • Friends Don’t Let Friends Get Tracked!”
  • “Google tracks you, we don’t.”

How successful these copies are and how much people value their privacy (or are just paranoid), we can see from the fact that approximately 80 million people use DuckDuckGo daily.

The beauty of DuckDuckGo’s copy is in its consistency with brand values of transparency and privacy – they are reflected clearly in each tagline.

4. Ricola

Ricola is a manufacturer of suppressants that relieve sore throat and cough. Their marketing team is genius.

They observed that coughing in the wrong parts of your statement can change or obscure your message and they played with this idea in their copy.

You might know about their commercial “She’s (cough) just a friend” – ambiguous, isn’t it?

It is also witty, exciting, and different.

And you will most certainly imitate this ad at least once among your friends when you hear it. Most importantly, you probably won’t think of other cough lozenges the next time you catch a cold, and that’s the goal.


This gym chain uses unique and highly relatable messaging.

GYMIT knows that their average consumer dislikes exercise and how good they are at finding excuses to stay at home, eat their high-calorie food and feel guilty about it. This gym also knows that seeing an ad with perfectly toned bodies sweating while exercising will only discourage such a consumer.

Instead of demotivating its target audience with aggressive messaging, as many gyms do, GYMIT addresses their prospects with humor and language they understand: “Cancel anytime, without pretending you’ve moved” or “Earn your mac and cheese tonight.”

Motivating, funny, guilt-free.

6. Trello

Trello is a web and mobile application that serves as a project management tool based on the “Kanban” approach to organizing tasks. This means the basic functioning principle is through the board, lists, and cards corresponding to specific tasks and categories.

Trello’s copy clearly highlights teamwork: “Trello helps team’s move work forward. It’s more than work. It’s a way of working together.

7. Garmin

Garmin is a manufacturer of wearables and smartwatches for sports and fitness, outdoor activities, marine, and aviation.

Garmin’s slogan “Beat yesterday” is addressed to everyone, regardless of their fitness and physical activity levels. This copy implies that no matter who you are and how you live, you can make progress every day, taking small steps, and Garmin will help you and be there for you.

Garmin’s copy is successful because anyone can identify with it. Everyone can take small steps to improve their activity and fitness levels.

8. Razer

Razer is a well-known name in the gaming world; it is a leading manufacturer of keyboards, mice, and other innovative PC equipment gamers use.

Razer also has a unique copy, “For gamers, by gamers,” which is more than just a slogan, as their CEO says himself.

Only gamers know the problem of long hours spent in front of the screen of their favorite game and understand how painful it can be to hold and move the hand in a specific position. That is why the gamer’s equipment must be – ergonomically designed, comfortable, attractive and futuristic.

Who would understand the needs of gamers better than gamers themselves? It’s no surprise that this brand is number one in the gaming community. With their relatable copy, we’re pretty confident that their copywriter is a gamer who knows video games.

9. Cancer Patients Aid Association

Good copy evokes an emotional response and that response does not necessarily have to be delight, excitement, or laughter. It can also be fear.

Cancer Patients Aid Association says: “Smoking cures cancer.”

It’s a killer, right?

This pun will confuse you, make you think, and then scare you. The campaign aimed to make smokers think twice before lighting a cigarette.

10. KFC

This list wouldn’t be complete without KFC’s iconic 2018 copy, which, although the shortest, is one of the best in history.

KFC’s fast-food chain had one of the most recognizable and successful marketing campaigns ever. In 2018, this brand best known for its chicken wings went out of chicken, and customers were furious.

Thanks to their creative copywriters, KFC overcame the crisis in just three letters – “FCK” on their recognizable red and white, now empty box. They were apologizing and admitting the mistake with just three letters turning frustration into smiles and giggles.

What makes excellent copy?

So, what can we conclude from these examples? What makes an excellent copy?

Compelling copy does not necessarily have to be witty, but it must be concise and clear.

Words are powerful at appealing to consumers’ emotions and influencing their purchasing intentions. A copywriter who has invested the time to get to know their audience well is best positioned to write the words that resonate, speaking directly and accurately to their needs and desires, conscious or subconscious.

Why is copy important?

Copy tells a story in only a few words; it attracts, establishes long-lasting relationships with your audience and brand awareness, and, most importantly, sells. It separates you from the competition, making your brand unique and, therefore, recognizable. With great copy, even the average product can become a must-have.

A compelling copy is vital for every business, but it is also an excellent solution for reputation management through white label when trying to improve brand image.

Good copy will help the brand build or regain credibility and trust among consumers, improving recognition as well as loyalty.


Whether you’re looking to hire a new copywriter for your brand or you’re a copywriter looking for inspiration, we hope you’ve found these examples helpful.

Good copy has the power to elevate a brand into stardom, so invest time in getting to know your target audience and their needs.

Only when you know and understand your customer, including their behavioural patterns and unique needs, will you be ready to write some game-changing copy. Good luck!

Continue Reading: Four examples of highly successful international brands