
If You Have a Great Brand, Do You Still Need Copywriting?

Hey there friend,

I’ve had this discussion a few times lately, and I wanted to bring the results to you.

“Do I really need copywriting when I have a great brand?”

I certainly understand where this comes from.

When you have a great brand, you have demand, things are happening, birds are chirping, the sun is shining and money rains upon you… so you may end up feeling invicible.

But you may not know this: even great brands do complete DUD campaigns and launches ALL the time! (They just don’t like to advertise those failures because you know… brand.)

A trusted, well-known brand is a great starting point, but you still need to make a powerful case for anyone to buy but the diehards.

Even Apple couldn’t get their fans to buy a thinly veiled rehash of their iPhone 5 as a candy color coated iPhone 5c. Nobody’s immune to the effects of bad marketing.

So even the diehards need marketing today, go figure!

The next point of contention is…

“I really need it to be in my own voice…”

Of course, if you have a bustling brand, especially a personal brand, you’ll want to ride that high as far and long as you can. And the driving force behind that is your very own ‘voice’.

That unique way you have of relating to your audience, fans and customers is what they love and expect.

You’d have serious doubts about having someone come in and write a promotion or script a video that you couldn’t possibly let out in your own name.

But here’s where the magic sets in: the best copywriters out there can actually MIMIC your voice!

In fact, you have more than likely read copy or even articles from your favorite personal brands without knowing…Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Oprah…

Yeah, “someone else” actually wrote that!

Maybe they sat together and the expert fed the writer the raw material and guided them to do it the way they wanted.

Or maybe the writer was just THAT good, and managed to write in the voice of the brand.

So well that nobody could make the difference. Enough of a difference, anyway.

In some cases, the copywriter’s voice itself actually becomes part of the brand’s “voice”! And you’d still never know.

What matters though is, it IS possible to get copy that performs well AND it is still in your very own recognizable voice that your audience loves, recognizes and responds to.

So there’s that. One more misconception to bust here…

“Do I really need copywriting on a continuous basis?”

Again, define your needs and you’ll have to answer.

If you plan to grow, sell new products to existing customers or old products to new customers… you have hurdles to overcome.

Copy is your best friend in that situation.

Even if you’re selling a familiar product to existing customers, you need to keep their interest fresh and keep showing them the value they’re getting.

Nobody will just hand you the money for no reason, whoever you are or represent.

This is why skilled copywriters are in such great demand. They know how to push that tire-kicking prospect over that finish line so you get the cash in hand.

If you only need to do that once, you don’t have a business but a promotion.

If you want to keep your sales performance bulletproof, and avoid those lulls and unavoidable costly duds…

Yes, you do need powerful sales copy continuously.

Okay, fine. But, but, but…

“What if it doesn’t work?”

This is the big one, of course.

Nobody wants to invest in sales copy if there’s no guarantee of it bringing in the sales.

The trouble is, as important as great sales copy is, it’s NOT everything in your marketing setup.

Even with the best copy in the world, you could still mess it up with the wrong kind of traffic, poorly converting design, emails that miss the mark… and so on.

This is why I personally offer a combined service to my smartest clients:

“Yes I’ll deliver the copy you want me to write,
but I’ll also stay on to test, tweak, and
fine tune your whole marketing big picture.”

I will admit that is a rare combination, but I’ve been able to make it work very well for my clients.

So, if you have a strong brand but you’d still like to have strong promotions and sales on a continuous basis…

Then look into setting up a continuous relationship with a proven copywriter.

That’s my rant for today.

Have a great day!


About the author: Juho Tunkelo


Juho Tunkelo is a direct response copywriter, marketing strategist, technology analyst and author.

Over the past 15 or so years, Juho has engineered marketing breakthroughs for his clients in areas as diverse as high technology, software, politics and natural health.

As a consultant, he has helped numerous businesses boost their results using hardcore direct response marketing. His clients include solo entrepreneurs, small businesses as well as Fortune 500 corporations.

He thrives on uncovering the latest emerging trends in marketing, and making them understandable and usable for other business owners, often spiced with unique software innovations.

Juho currently lives in downtown Helsinki, Finland with his wife and two children.

This article was first published by Juho Tunkelo

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  1. […] to say? This last is what the ‘Brand Police’ are trying to protect – the identity of the brand. Although most people think about the logo and the colours when thinking about identity, the tone […]

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