
How To Sell Travel Online With Copywriting That Paints A Picture

To sell travel online, a website needs compelling images—that’s a no-brainer, right?

But I’m not just talking about photos and graphics. Some of the most powerful and persuasive images are the ones that people create in their own minds as they read compelling copy.

After all, your hotel or travel company provides its customers with far more than just nice things to look at. Travel is a multi-sensory experience, filled with rich sounds, smells and flavors.

And by communicating everything your business offers with emotion-rich adjectives, powerful verbs and specific details you’ll have a much easier time selling travel online.

Photos and copy need each other. The most persuasive travel websites are the ones where the two mediums mesh and work together.

That’s why today’s blog post is a highly visual presentation that’ll show you how to write persuasive copy that paints a picture. Check it out below.

Always do your research first

Even if your website copy reads like a feature article in Travel+Leisure Magazine, it may not bring results if what you’re saying isn’t right for your target audience.

So before penning a single word, start digging into your VOC data or survey past customers to figure out the main messages that will resonate with travelers.

The last thing you want to do is paint a picture with words only to find out it’s not what your best prospects want to see.

So get to really know your audience. Figure out their dreams and desires. And then dazzle them with words that’ll get travelers daydreaming about your business.


About the author: Dustin Walker


Dustin Walker is a conversion-focused copywriter and marketer who specializes in the travel industry. He hates dull, uninspired web content and hopes you do too. Check out his website Jet Copywriting and subscribe to his newsletter to get more tips on how to punch up your marketing materials.

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This article was first published by Dustin Walker