Fast, furious and freelance: June update

In this edition:
Writing for The Collective website
Blow Your Own Trumpet
Party People
Soccer Stars
Next Up – Beach Volleyball —————————-
Writing for The Collective website
Our revamped site is up an running and already attractive the attention of new clients. As you see, it’s now a real showcase for your talents.
Another feature we have just added is a column on the homepage which will be written by a different freelancer each month. Take a look at the first item – as supplied by Martin Mol – and let us know if you’d like to contribute something of your own.
It should be a short article – about 500 words – that clients will find stimulating to read and thereby be inspired to hire freelancers.
It can be about your views on the advertising world in general, an anecdote about daily life in an agency, a general brainstorm of things you think clients should be considering, it can be you blowing your own trumpet about why you are the best in the world at what you do! The important thing is that it’s entertaining and informative enough for clients to choose to read it. Otherwise you’re wasting your own time!
Please contact Wilma to discuss your ideas and book your slot.
Talking of blowing your own trumpet
Now you see how the new website promotes you, you will hopefully understand how important it is that you keep us updated with examples of new work and news about new triumphs such as awards nominations and pitch wins.
News such as this will be added to our home page and is also included on the monthly newsletter we send to clients in our database.
So don’t be backwards in coming forwards, let the world know what you’re up to!
Again, contact Wilma with news, profile updates and new work samples.
Party People
Thanks to everybody who joined us at P.King Cafe to celebrate the launch of our new website and of course 5 years in business. We hope you had as good a time as we did! Here are a couple of pics of the evening.
Erik Rolf ( conceptual copywriter) and Dennis Zijlstra (art director)
Brandy Vaughan (copywriter) and Depikaa Shiromany (Designer)
Soccer Stars
The Collective fielded a mixed team of admin and freelancers in The Lieverdjes soccer tournament on 31st May. We won a few, we lost a few, but overall were placed 17th out of the 49 competing teams. We didn’t win any trophies but we all came home with a full complement of intact body parts!
Patrick van Haperen (conceptual copywriter)
Victor Mulder (art Director)
Casper van den Broek
Zoer Westerpark (from practice)
Fraser Bailey (conceptual copywriter)
Jack (middle)
Scott Smith (conceptual copywriter)
Next Up – Beach Volleyball
The date for The Collective’s foray into the glamorous world of beach volleyball is fast approaching! If you’d like to join us either as a player or spectator at The Safari Club, Zandvoort on 28th June, please get in touch with Wilma.
Full details can be found on
This promises to be a great all-round day out, and presents another opportunity for a spot of networking with fellow freelancers and clients.
All-important contact details
To find out more about participating in any of the featured activities in this month’s update, please contact Wilma. Her email address is wilma [at] the collective [dot] net.
Sorry about the cryptic presentation. We’re just a bit sick of being offered enlarged body parts and genuine watches.
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