What Do You Need to Know about Creating Content for Moving Company Blog?

The moving services industry is a multi-million dollar industry but the ability to increase sales and grow your business hinges a lot on your marketing strategies.  This applies to almost every other industry, so there is a lot that we can all learn.

Traditionally, moving companies have relied on offline marketing methods but the changing times necessitate a change in tactics.

These days, online marketing is where it’s at. Every business must have a website but to increase your chances of being found by potential customers, you need to embark on a rigorous content marketing campaign.

One of the core pillars of every website is a company blog. However, unless you’ve managed to build a solid audience, you’ll need effective SEO strategies to ensure your company blog – and in turn, your website – catches the eye of as many potential customers as possible.

The whole idea, though, is to remain attractive to search engines (which is the essence of SEO) while providing value to your customers through meaningful content. It’s a delicate balancing act, but when done right, it can be very fruitful.

Here are a few key points to remember when developing content for your moving company blog.

A successful blog is one that promotes your offerings while employing relevant keywords

You can have the most interesting articles on your blog but if they are not relevant to the reader, that’s a missed opportunity.

When creating content for your company blog, it is important to write about topics related to your offerings. Do you provide long-distance moving services on top of local moves? Talk about it. Do you offer storage services? Let your readers know.

Whatever services you offer, link them with the article topics you publish on your blog. Some topic ideas could be providing your readers with tips on how to pack boxes or you can share some of the challenges customers have faced and offer advice on how to solve them.

Keywords will come in handy here – they will help first-time customers find your website quicker.

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Creating interesting and meaningful content is key

This goes without saying. If you want to keep your potential customers engaged, you need to come up with interesting material.

And by ‘interesting’, we don’t just mean catchy, although that is important if you want to reduce the bounce rate.

Your content should aim at providing real value to your readers. To produce articles that are both exciting and informative, with a call-to-action to boot.

You can achieve this in several ways:

  • Having appealing titles that draw the reader in.
  • Creating content that actually solves a problem.
  • Combining content with images, videos, infographic and other interesting visuals to breaks up the monotony of text.

The homepage and web categories play an important role

You can have the best blog with the most engaging content, but it will serve little purpose if your target audience has a hard time finding it.

Keywords that entice the search engines are one thing, but you also need to create an “enabling platform” that encourages the reader to stay on site.

That said, make sure your blog section is easy to find (right from the homepage) and utilize blog categories and tags effectively to allow for easier navigation and to make content easier to find.

Speaking of navigation, the whole website needs to be easy to use. The users should find everything they need without having to look too hard. It needs to have fast load times, and don’t forget to interlink your blog posts as well.

Guest posting helps

Backlinks make finding related blog titles easier, but creating guest posts on other websites means you can tap into a potential pool of prospective customers that would otherwise not have stumbled upon your website.

Initially, backlinking largely involved leaving comments on the comment section of popular blogs in the hope that anyone who clicked on your username (which allowed for the insertion of your website link) would get redirected to your website.

But with the quick web consumption habits these days, that strategy has become a bit archaic.

Guest posts present a better alternative. Just make sure you still create high quality, interesting content that links back to you and teams up with websites with good traffic numbers.

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