
Copywriting slogan competition shortlist

Back in February we ran a slogan competition to come up with a world-beating slogan for Copywriter Collective. We received all the entries in the Spring but it has taken us a long time to get everything together and decide on a shortlist. Our apologies. We’ve just been too busy working for clients.
Copywriter Collective supplies international creative copywriters to companies and advertising agencies around the world. So we need a line that communicates the expansive service we offer.
Here is the shortlist (Perhaps inevitably, often more than one person has suggested the same slogan):
More than words – Yann Jones, Canaan Henderson & Joao Inacio
You have our word – Joao Inacio
Beyond words – Canaan Henderson and Mark Tiroa
Where words work – Angelo Brancaccio
Write for youArthur van Gemert
Write here, Write nowDon Huggan & Tal Halili
Words of art – Rhonda Delgado
A word apart – Federica Medori
How to vote?
We are handing over the decision on which is the best slogan to the Copywriters of the world. You can vote on our Facebook page You have until 9am Monday 8th December to cast your vote. Just choose from 1-8 and type that number in the comment box, only one vote per person. However if you share a link to the page, your friends can vote too! (But only votes posted on Copywriter Collective FB page will be counted.)
Here is the long list of entries:

Aditya Gupta Our ideas would like to work for you
Aditya Gupta Ideas packed with results
Aditya Gupta We sell it like we made it
Aditya Gupta Hit them where they love it most
Aditya Gupta Ideas that give more than they take
Aditya Gupta Saying all the right things
Aditya Gupta The fastest way into their minds
Aditya Gupta One call. Big difference.
Aditya Gupta You’ll love working with our ideas
Aditya Gupta Big ideas simply put
Aditya Gupta Right ideas in the right hands
Aditya Gupta Let our ideas speak for you
Aditya Gupta An idea whose time has come
Aditya Gupta Creativity with effectivity
Aditya Gupta Why didn’t you think of us?
Aditya Gupta Winners know how to get it done
Aditya Gupta You’re invited to the next big idea
Aditya Gupta The next big idea delivered. Yesterday.
Aditya Gupta When we sell, people buy
Aditya Gupta If we can’t sell, who can?
Aditya Gupta Ideas that move
Aditya Gupta All you have to do is ask
Aditya Gupta Our advantage to your advantage
Aditya Gupta You’ll never sell alone
Aditya Gupta Because people buy ideas
Aditya Gupta Ideas people want to see
Aditya Gupta Winners breeding winners
Aditya Gupta Big ideas should be the last thing on your mind
Aditya Gupta Ideas that convert
Aditya Gupta Sharpen your edge with ours
Aditya Gupta Where the big ideas are when you need them
Aditya Gupta Where big ideas come to live
Aditya Gupta Matching ideas with people
Aditya Gupta People moving people
Aditya Gupta Our ideas know what they’re doing
Aditya Gupta We know where big ideas come from
Aditya Gupta Happy ideas. Happy endings.
Aditya Gupta Our ideas are such attention seekers
Aditya Gupta When you don’t know where to look
Aditya Gupta Our quality will disgust your competition
Aditya Gupta Creativity that annoys your competition
Aditya Gupta Annoy your competition with our creativity
Aditya Gupta Don’t worry, we’ll find a way
Aditya Gupta Don’t worry, we have ideas
Aditya Gupta Official address of the next big idea
Aditya Gupta Where big ideas work
Aditya Gupta Our will always finds a way
Aditya Gupta Creative muscle that always finds a way
Aditya Gupta Or you can leave it to chance.
Aditya Gupta Creative ways to annoy your competition
Aditya Gupta What’s worth doing is worth doing creatively
Aditya Gupta We have ideas your competition will hate
Aditya Gupta Our ideas will make your competition feel small
Aditya Gupta Ideas your competition is guaranteed to hate
Aditya Gupta Ideas to annoy your competition like never before
Alan Smithie Righting copy
alberto tandoi DO IT WRITE.
alberto tandoi DO THE WRITE THING.
Alex (UK writer) Trans-creation by awarded creatives (…..doesn’t sound great, but repositions other trans-creation agencies with what sounds like a USP.)
Alex (UK writer) Cross borders with award-winning creatives.
Alex (UK writer) Global creative by awarded creatives.
Alex (UK writer) International creative by awarded creatives.
Alex (UK writer) Global creative. Awarded creatives. (….sounds cool, but not as clear as the first.)
Alex (UK writer) Global creative by awarded copywriters
Alex (UK writer) Award winning creatives that help you cross borders.
Alex (UK writer) World’s most creative transcreation.
Alex (UK writer) Words. Ideas. Globally. Brilliantly.
Alex (UK writer) Copy. Globally. Brilliantly. (too ‘copy’?)
Alex (UK writer) Ideas. Globally. Brilliantly.
Alex (UK writer) Copy. Globally. Brilliantly.
Alex (UK writer) Copy. Globally. Competitively. Brilliantly
Alex (UK writer) Words. Ideas. Globally. Competitively. Brilliantly.
Alex (UK writer) Trans-creation. Globally. Competitively. Brilliantly.
Alex (UK writer) Communicating ideas abroad. Competitively. Brilliantly
Alex (UK writer) Clever, cross-border creative.
Alex (UK writer) Crossing borders. Creating brilliance.
Alex (UK writer) Crossing borders creatively.
Alex (UK writer) Creative communication that crosses borders.
Alex (UK writer) Come for the writing. Stay for the ideas.
Alex (UK writer) Your brand abroad. Brilliantly.
Alex (UK writer) Spread your brand globally. Brilliantly
Alex (UK writer) So global ideas can travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) So global ideas travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) So your global idea travels first class.
Alex (UK writer) When your idea goes global, make sure it travels first class.
Alex (UK writer) When your ideas go global, make sure they travel first class
Alex (UK writer) When ideas go global, make sure they travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) When your idea goes global, insist it travels first class.
Alex (UK writer) When your idea goes global, ensure it travels first class.
Alex (UK writer) When your idea goes global, be sure it travels first class.
Alex (UK writer) When ideas go global, with us they go first class.
Alex (UK writer) When ideas go global, they want to travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) So when your idea goes global, it travels first class.
Alex (UK writer) Ideas that go global deserve to go first class.
Alex (UK writer) Because global ideas deserve to travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) We ensure that global ideas travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) Enabling global ideas to travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) Ensuring global ideas travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) So your global ideas travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) So ideas can travel first class. (…but: ‘ideas travelling’ not understood abroad??)
Alex (UK writer) When your idea travels, insist it goes first class.
Alex (UK writer) When your idea travels, we ensure it goes first class.
Alex (UK writer) When ideas travel, we ensure they go first class.
Alex (UK writer) Let your ideas travel first class
Alex (UK writer) Helping ideas travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) Because you want your brand to travel first class
Alex (UK writer) When you want your brand to travel. First class.
Alex (UK writer) When you want your brand to travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) Want your brand to travel
Alex (UK writer) When your brand travels, make sure its first class.
Alex (UK writer) So ideas travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) You do want your brand to travel first class?
Alex (UK writer) For ideas that travel. First class.
Alex (UK writer) Lets your brand travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) Let your brand travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) Let your brand travel. First class.
Alex (UK writer) And your brand travels first class.
Alex (UK writer) So brands travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) For brands that travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) For brands that travel. First class.
Alex (UK writer) For brands that want to travel first class.
Alex (UK writer) You may not travel first class. Your brand should.
Alex (UK writer) Ad idea that would appear on second class seats and tickets.
Alex (UK writer) Not travelling first class? At least your ideas can.
Alex (UK writer) More awards than any ad agency.
Alex (UK writer) The ad agency with most awards.
Alex (UK writer) (This is a stop you in your tracks slogan designed to make you read on…. where you find out that, collectively, CC’s trans-creation copywriters have more awards among
them than any current creative department in the world
Alex (UK writer) Which is probably true?? And would definately get CC a lot of publicity….EG, if the owner of CC went along to…….at Cannes 2014.
Alex (UK writer) The world’s first collective with loads of awards.
Alex (UK writer) Like a collective, but with awards.
Alex (UK writer) As helpful as a collective. More awards than an ad agency.
Alex (UK writer) Think of us as a super helpful commune with lots of awards.
Alex (UK writer) As caring as collective, but with more awards.
Alex (UK writer) How many collectives are this successful?
Alex (UK writer) The caring collective that’s all about success.
Alex (UK writer) As helpful as a collective. As successful as an ad agency
Alex (UK writer) So many awards, we can afford this lousy slogan.
Alex (UK writer) So many awards, we can afford a lousy slogan.
Alex (UK writer) Copywriter Collective is an online trans-creation agency
Alex (UK writer) We adapt advertising for foreign markets all over the world.
Alex (UK writer) Not just with words, but with visual ideas, adaptive strategies and whatever it takes to do the job brilliantly.
Alex (UK writer) Between them, our copywriters most likely have more major awards than any ad agency creative department in the world. They’re that good.
Alex (UK writer) Why is it a lousy slogan? Because apart from being very arrogant, it fails to get any of this across.
Alex (UK writer) But should you choose to work with us all the same…we think you’ll agree that we get away with it.
Alex (UK writer) So many awards, we can afford misstakes in our headlines
Alex (UK writer) So brilliant, we can aford typos in our headlines
Alex (UK writer) So brilliant, we can afford a hedline with speling mistakes
Alex (UK writer) There’s some corner of a foreign brand that’s always being created by us.
Aliona Words that matter the most
Amal Shah Making short, crisp copies to sate a long list of original dreams.
Ammar Rajar we don’t copy
Andrea Salvarezza Say it ant so!
Andrew Great Words Make A Difference.
Andrew It’s simple and true.
Angelo Brancaccio Where words work.
Angelo Brancaccio
Angelo Brancaccio Copywriter collective:
International creativity is strenght.
Angelo Brancaccio Copywriter collective:
More creatives make a difference.
Ari (Laurence) Sherman Say it with feeling
Arthur van Gemert Copywriter Collective. The write ones
Arthur van Gemert Copywriter Collective. Write for you.
Bob Ashwood words that work
Canaan Henderson The world is listening
Canaan Henderson What have you got to say?
Canaan Henderson Say Something
Canaan Henderson We speak your language
Canaan Henderson Speak the same language
Canaan Henderson Words to the Wise
Canaan Henderson Words for the Wise
Canaan Henderson Beyond words
Canaan Henderson Branding Beyond Words
Canaan Henderson For want of better words
Canaan Henderson Find your way with words
Canaan Henderson More Than Words
Canaan Henderson Words for the World
carles copy less, copy better
carles copy yourself
Carly Miller Think before you copy.
Caroline Gibson Creating a world of difference
Caroline Gibson We help the world work smarter
Cathy Scott Job done.
Chad Fairchild Be smart, act smarter.
Chiara Gustafson Creative decisions, ant-like precision
Chirag Thakkar We don’t write copy. We ‘compose’ feelings.
Christina Boyes Copywriter Collective – Writing Your Success Since 2002
Christopher Kogge Copywriter Collective – We have the write people for the job
Claire Monica Burgess Individual. Everywhere.
Claire Monica Burgess Creative Matters
Claire Monica Burgess Globally. Creatively.
Claire Monica Burgess Individual. Together.
Claire Monica Burgess See the world creatively.
Claire Monica Burgess Creative Together.
Claire Monica Burgess Tell the global story
Claire Monica Burgess Create the world
Claire Monica Burgess Don’t just say it
Claire Monica Burgess Say more
Claire Monica Burgess Say the word. Anywhere
Claire Monica Burgess Word power.
Claire Monica Burgess Everywhere you want to be.
Claire Monica Burgess United nations of ideas
Claire Monica Burgess Beyond language.
Claire Monica Burgess Go beyond
Claire Monica Burgess Goodbye Babel.
Claire Monica Burgess Worldwide Creative.
Claire Monica Burgess The plural of creative.
Claire Monica Burgess The Creative Agent.
Claire Monica Burgess Creative Worldwide.
Claire Monica Burgess The Creative Freelancer Network.
D.M. Hunter Resonating Impact.
D.M. Hunter Spinning the Word. Spanning the Globe.
D.M. Hunter The Global Spin
D.M. Hunter Onward Creative.
Dan Bondrea Partners in sale
Dan Bondrea Copytime, copywhere
Dan Bondrea Too many, too good, too modest.
Dan Bondrea Too many, too good, too modest to be true
Dan Bondrea The freelance agency
Dan Bondrea The freelancers hill
Dan Bondrea More heads are better than less.
Dan Bondrea The Freelancers’ Hydra
Dan Bondrea Money making words come true
Dan Bondrea The advertising mercenaries.
Dan Bondrea The copy mercenaries
Dan Bondrea Why didn’t i think of that?
Dan Bondrea A slogan is forever.
Dan Bondrea Let’s talk about you
Dan Bondrea Say it like you mean it. (LF: should be ‘We say it like you mean it’)
Dan Bondrea Words build brands
Dan Bondrea The copywriters’ supermarket
Dan Bondrea Your freelancers’ shelf
Dan Bondrea Paper, pens & brains
Dan Bondrea We are writers. Copywriters.
Dan Bondrea British freelancers, few of the brave ones.
Dan Bondrea Few of the brave
Dan Bondrea Words come easy
Dan Bondrea In copy we trust.
Dan Bondrea That’s the idea!
Dan Bondrea Word!
Dan Bondrea We write, you sell.
Dan Bondrea We gathered here today…
Danai Fassouli Slog the city, make it pretty!
Daniela Plural & Unique
Dean Grgic Spreading a word in a proper way
Dennis Smith Say What You Need to Say – the First Time.
Dick A. Zonneveld The Extraordinary Is The Message
Diveesha Shahani Copywriter Collective: the final word
Don Huggan Write here, Write now.
Don Seidenberg Copywriter Collective – Creativity delivered
Edward Mitchell Actions speak louder than words. Your customers take our word for it.
Eric Sonnenschein Do you copy? Copy the world.
Federica Medori A WORD APART
Garethink Cool for Copy. Not cool for Copycats.
Gatei Waweru 1. When writing doesn’t feel right. 2. When righting doesn’t feel write.
George Demetri Crafted never copied
Geraldine Chong you’ll never have to copy copy
Ghetto Picasso The Copywriter Collective “Europe’s Export English”
Glenn Bossik We Live Through Words
Gordon Corcoran Copy worth repeating.
Grant Clifford Because words have value (spelt using scrabble letters)
Grant Clifford We Right Ads
Harsh Choudhary Copy Writers “Exclusive Copy 4 u only”
Hong Yew Zin Pitches ‘r’ bitches
ian words, and stuff.
IREKE AMOJI CopyWriters’ Collective ( CWC) – flush with ideas!
Jeff Renbarger Fluent in ROI.
Jessica Lohmann Copywriting Collective – Working Smart to Convert
Jessica Lohmann Copywriting Collective – Copy that
Jessica Lohmann Copywriting Collective – Creation | Conversion | Copy That
Jessica Lohmann Copywriting Collective – Creating Copy that Converts
Jessica Lohmann Copywriting Collective – Putting Worth on 1000 Words
Jessica Lohmann Copywriting Collective – Putting Worth Back into 1000 Words
Jessica Lohmann Bringing together strong talent for richer copy
Jessica Lohmann Power to the Copywriter
Jessica Lohmann Talented Freelancers working together to create a strong message
Jessica Lohmann Working together to bring your message home
Jessica Lohmann Creating messages that convert
Jessica Lohmann Creating Copy that Converts
Jessica Lohmann One group, one goal: conversion
Jessica Lohmann Freelancers Creating Conversion
Jessica Lohmann Freelancing creatives for the power of conversion
Jessica Lohmann Flowing message
Jessica Lohmann Let us convert that for you
Jessica Lohmann Working smart for a better copy
Jessica Lohmann Working smart on conversion
Jessica Lohmann Writing your Story
Jiří Markvart Spreading The Word
Joao Inacio Words between the lines.
Joao Inacio Writing between the lines.
Joao Inacio Write between the lines.
Joao Inacio More than words.
Joao Inacio Words make opportunities.
Joao Inacio We write, you blossom.
Joao Inacio We write, you flourish.
Joao Inacio We write, you prosper.
Joao Inacio You have our words.
Joao Inacio You have our word.
Johanna Kreiner You click, we clack.
Johanna Kreiner Yes, we’ve got rhythm. Call on us and we’ll stir up a buzz about your business, get your story straight and attract your audience.
Johanna Kreiner We’ve got the rhythm for typing – ideas flowing through the keyboard – and the rhythm for printing – ideas flowing off the press: it all comes down to keeping the beat.
Johanna Kreiner So set your pace, pick your part and then make music with us.
Jorge Pérez Word for the World.
Jose Louwers Copywriter Collective
Cross-border Creatives
Jose Louwers Copywriter Collective
Cross-border Creativity
Jose Louwers Copywriter Collective
Creatives without borders
Jose Louwers Copywriter Collective
Boundless Creativity
Josh Fahey We don’t know not to call this a slogan.
Jovana Kresovic Words are mapping success. Copywriters collective We map.
justin wallace Our creative team is like life – short but very wide, and full of solutions.
justin wallace A wide choice of top class creatives, virtually anywhere.
justin wallace For every solution we have no problem.
justin wallace If your copy isn’t creative, something awful happens – nothing!
justin wallace You have a choice, we have a responsibility.
justin wallace Creatives, on call, virtually anywhere.
justin wallace Creative support when you need it – today, tomorrow, yesterday!
justin wallace Tailor-made copy-writing to suit your needs.
justin wallace More waste, less speed – choose the right creative for your project.
justin wallace Our creatives get it.
justin wallace We have only have one definition of quality – the customer’s.
justin wallace We don’t need a second chance to make a first impression.
Katharine Sak A new kind of word search.
Kevin LIduli Copywriter Collective: When it comes to write ups, we’re Write Up There!
Kiprop Kiprotich Agent of Copy
Larry MacInnis Right Brains. Right Now.
Luke Fabish Europe’s best \ In your office \ In 24 hours
Mark Beyond words.
Matouš Roskovec where brand meets new
Melanie Copy that!
Michael A. Marullo No tikkie, no laundry!
Mike Pascale Don’t work for free.
Name Slogan
Neal Evan Kok Spread the word
Nick Hall Summon your collective strength
Nick Hall Call up an instant army
Nick Hall You’re stronger with a collective team
Nick Hall They Want You! (American Uncle Sam style)
Nick Hall Together, we’ll make you stronger.
Olivia Dunn World-class copywriters for global results
Pankaj Sharma Where words work wonders!
Paolo Colagrossi Copywriter Collective. (This time) two words are enough
Rajani Rajan-Shriram Give a little, get a lot [more]
Razvan Capanescu Words worth a thousand pictures
Rhonda Delgado words of art
Rich Cain Build a Motto with Bravado!
Roberta Bostock The international word geniuses.
Roberta Bostock Writing clever words around the world.
Roberta Bostock The international clever words network.
Roberta Bostock Finding missing words for clients everywhere.
Robin Plaisier Write on!
Ross Clarke More than just words
sean stancioff We don’t just create, we spread it
sean stancioff We take your brand and make it famous.
sean stancioff Give us the brand and we’ll spread it
sean stancioff Words are all we need to let the world know
Steven Phillips We don’t copy, right?
Steven Phillips We copy write.
Steven Phillips Fresh thinking for you.
Tal Halili Copywriter Collective, Carried Away, Write Away.
Tal Halili Copywriter Collective, Write Away.
Tal Halili Copywriter Collective, where lateral thinking is inevitable.
Tal Halili Copywriter Collective, Creativity made Visible.
Tal Halili Copywriter Collective, Write Here, Write Now.
Tal Halili Copywriter Collective, Yours Made Visible.
Tal Halili Copywriter Collective, Visibility Attracts.
Terence D’Souza French, Abbot, Bernbach or Draper:
We have all kinds.
Teresa Ustanik Capture magnitude, invent success … we deliver your energy in prose.
Willem van Rooij Copywriter Collective. We write history.
yann jones Writing is more than words.
Zach Dougherty Do the write thing…
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