Copywriting Competition: the bizarre sales pitch

Want to take part in out copywriting competition?

Ever seen a random object in your home and wondered to yourself why you would ever own it? Maybe it was a gift from your great aunt. Or an impulse buy?

Maybe now is a good time to sell off those bizarre objects cluttering up your home. But what would be your sales pitch?


This month’s competition is to find the hilarious, bizarre, random objects in your home and craft a great sales pitch for them.

Include a photo of the object along with a short and catchy pitch and send it in by 19th October.

Grand prize

The copywriters that construct the wittiest and the most thought-out sales pitches will be included in the final list. Then the winner will be chosen by the masses through our online polls. The first-place winner will win: a typewriter coaster set.

How to enter

Tweet your sales pitch with the Copywriter Collective handle and the hashtag, #BizzareObjectsCompetition. Or you can send your slogan to us via the Copywriter Collective Facebook or Twitter page.

Send over as many sale’s pitches as you like – there are no limits.

NOTE: Please Follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook so we can inform you of the results.


We’ll be accepting entries up until 19th October.

Vote for the winner!

Here are the top 3 chosen contestants:


‘Can’t go cruising this year?

Here’s a cheap ship, a charming little souvenir from St Ives I don’t have room for anymore to brighten up your interior.
Sailing your way for £5 only. ‘




‘Limited Edition⌚
Rube Goldberg Steampunk Fitness Tracker Timepiece
Gain weight during lockdown? Need to get in shape for the apocalypse?
This unique timepiece will remind you to get in your steps as it actually slows down time! Exploding head
New Energy Efficient
“Walk & Wind” Technology
Buy now on the 12/12/12 program!
Only 12 payments of $12 over 12 months!’




World’s worst bar’



We will share a shortlist of the best sales pitches on the Social Media channels where the internet can cast their vote.