5 Podcasts every freelancer needs to listen to

It’s a well-known fact that freelancers are some of the busiest people on the planet. Running your own business, balancing client needs and producing great creative work can be exhausting. Podcasts are great to listen to when you’re doing something else. So that whether you’re working out in the gym or cooking up dinner, you’re still growing as an entrepreneur and learning about what makes freelancers successful. We’ve picked five of the best binge-able podcasts for freelancers. Plug in and enjoy.

A humourous take on freelancer life

Let’s Make Mistakes is ostensibly a podcast about design so any freelancers operating in this world should be drawn to it immediately. In the hands of hosts Mike Monteiro and Jessie Char, however, this becomes a platform for discussing all things freelance with wit and irreverence.

“Episodes cover a wealth of material from joining a union to running a meeting, but no matter how dry the topic may sound Monteiro and Char use their great chemistry to inject some life into it,” says Samantha Gilds, a tech writer at Assignment Help and Academized. This is a great go-to podcast when you’ve got some time to kill and want to learn with a few laughs along the way.

A podcast for every type of freelancer

The Accidental Creative is an incredibly relatable podcast and each episode will strike a chord with most freelancers out there. After all, few freelancers set out to deliberately set themselves up as a business. Rather, we got here by pursuing our passions. And it just so happened that the best way to make ends meet while we did that was by freelancing.

Hosted by Todd Henry, each episode tends to focus on a single topic that Henry then takes in-depth. He is a fascinating character full of insight. So whether he’s covering work-life balance or how to keep your fire burning you’ll be sure to come away with a new perspective on freelancer life.

Hair-raising horror stories

As a website, Clients From Hell has been collecting hair-raising stories of the all-time worst clients for years. We’ve all experienced those demanding, outrageous or downright clueless clients. So it makes for good listening to know you’re not alone. For their podcast, however, site editor Bryce Bladon has taken a different tack. Bladon and guests take on relevant topics for the freelancer in each fortnightly podcast to give it a broader scope.

By focussing on all of the issues that arise when dealing with clients, Bladon applies the breadth of experience he has gained through his site. Freelancers often struggle with the interpersonal challenges of dealing with clients when they’d really just rather get on with the creative work. That makes Clients From Hell an unmissable listen.

Transitioning from employee to freelancer

Unemployable is a podcast for anyone who has sought to break free from the trappings of traditional employment and that Monday to Friday grind. Founder Brian Clark runs this podcast in a conversational format and brings industry leaders on to join the show. Meaning each episode features a different perspective and valuable insight.

“In 2020, with a greatly uncertain economic outlook. It’s more important than ever to optimize your freelance portfolio and Clark’s podcast can help you do just that. Recent episodes have featured timely advice about how to survive times of economic turbulence,” says Natalie Richarson, a freelance writer at Revieweal and Boomessays.

Interviews and helpful tips for freelancers

For many freelancers, it takes a long time to come to terms with the fact that by freelancing, you’re an entrepreneur. You’re running a business and that means you need to start acting like a boss. This mindset can be challenging for creative types to tap into. But without it, you’ll be selling yourself short and missing out on opportunities to grow your practice and increase your income.

Being Boss tackles these challenges on a weekly basis as hosts Emily Thompson and Kathleen Shannon explore the routines, habits and practical skills that are essential to becoming a boss. Featuring interviews with highly successful and articulate characters such as Brene Brown and Ramit Sethi. This enlightening podcast can give you a conceptual shift that will energize your freelance career.

Continue reading: Challenges of being a freelancer amidst the pandemic

Podcasts are an easy time commitment for freelancers because they combine so well with your busy lifestyle. Whether you’re a veteran freelancer or just starting out, you can energize your freelance career with these inspiring listens.

About the author

Katherine Rundell is a writer at BigAssignments and OXEssays. She broke out of the 9-5 grind six years ago and has found a better work-life balance with freelancing. She now seeks to share the benefits of this lifestyle with a wider audience at Top assignment writing services in Western Australia.