
How to Write Great Content on Sustainable Marketing

All professional content writers will know that the key to excellent content is writing in a style that captivates and inspires the intended audience. The tone of the writing must match the publishing site so that it fits with their existing content and the style must be engaging. Insightful facts and statistics demonstrate an understanding of the topic and can help the reader to broaden their own knowledge of a subject.

Most content writers need to be effective researchers and must build their own knowledge bases on numerous topics to ensure that they write with both authority and clarity. When it comes to writing articles about sustainable marketing it is likely that higher levels of background reading will be needed to write well-informed text. Sustainable marketing is a relatively new concept in business and the target audience may not be fully aware of its scope and significance in the modern world of global commerce. Here are some key points and examples to ensure that your content on sustainable marketing is both interesting and informative.

Start with a definition

As the concept of sustainable marketing is a recent development in the business world, it makes sense to begin any article on this topic with a definition. This will give clarity to your readers and allows understanding of the concept right from the beginning of your content. It makes sense to deconstruct the term and begin with the concept of sustainability itself in a business context.

One of the most authoritative and widely cited definitions of sustainability is from The World Council on Economic Development (WCED) which defines sustainability as “development that meets the needs of present generations without compromising the needs of future generations.” Clearly, this broad definition already hints at undertaking activities that are likely to be of low adverse impact on the environment and society in general. When we add in marketing to this language it becomes apparent that businesses use sustainable marketing to actively promote environmentally and socially responsible products, services, and concepts.

Highlight its importance

One key point to include in articles about sustainable marketing is the true importance of the concept in modern business. As you research more about the topic it can be seen that this is not just another industry buzzword or fashionable trend; it is a true means to safeguarding commerce and the ongoing profitability and viability of any organization. The simple fact is that if businesses do not adopt practices that limit their negative effects on the environment, the planet itself will become unsustainable for future generations of consumers. The risks posed by global warming and climate change are well documented and illustrate the fact that without momentous change in the habits of consumers and businesses the world will experience catastrophic droughts and famines, along with extreme temperatures and weather patterns.

As well as the need for businesses to promote their environmental credentials, they must also be seen to operate in a socially and ethically responsible fashion. The millennial generation represents an increasing proportion of the population and now accounts for the biggest adult cohort across the world, numbering over 1.8 billion people. Their buying habits are distinct from other generations, and millennials are far more likely to “vote with their wallets” and choose to purchase from companies that operate in a sustainable way. Clearly, any business will want to secure the continued custom of such a large subset of society and therefore must operate sustainably to maximize its potential customer base and profitability.

Use some key examples

An article about sustainable marketing in commerce cannot be completely insightful or authoritative without referencing some prime examples of its application in the business world. Once again, the importance of in-depth research cannot be underestimated to draw out some key illustrations of this practice. An excellent example of sustainable marketing can be seen in the sustainable marketing activities that have been carried out for the railway sector. This area of mass transport is perfectly positioned for sustainable marketing for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it is recognized as the most eco-friendly form of transport in mass transit, as it gives out ten times less CO2 per passenger than for a similar journey by air travel. Across the world, rail transport can be both affordable for the public and a greener alternative to car or plane journeys.

Focus on education 

One of the key themes of many sustainable marketing activities is the fact that they rely heavily on educating the public. Whilst most people are aware of broad environmental issues, the risks posed by climate change, and the challenges faced by society in the 21st century, organizations can deepen this public knowledge by using informative ad campaigns.

Multinational companies such as Nike are currently moving towards a zero-carbon emission operational structure. In addition, the company aims to have all their owned plants running on 100% renewable energy sources by 2025 and to divert 99% of its footwear manufacturing waste away from landfill sites and into recycling facilities. They have named their overarching goal for zero waste and emissions as “Move to Zero” and by approaching many facets of their operations with sustainability in mind, they continue to raise knowledge and understanding of environmental issues.

Highlight companies that give back to communities

Another key facet of sustainable marketing is that organizations can use their influence and business models to “give back” to communities or support the populations of developing countries. Whilst environmental awareness, waste reduction, and reducing carbon emissions are key factors, so too is a business’s impact on societies. A prime example of this is the eye company Warby Parker which operates a “buy a pair, give a pair” scheme for donating vision-correcting equipment both locally and globally when purchases are made. Schemes like this ensure that the poorest communities can benefit from improved eyesight and illustrate how businesses today can balance both profitabilities and serve the world’s population in an equitable manner.

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To sum up

When writing about sustainable marketing it is important to define the concept and illustrate its importance in the modern world. Take time to research and cite key examples of excellent sustainable marketing and the value that this has in raising public awareness of the challenges facing society. Sustainable marketing is broader than just operating in an environmentally friendly fashion, as companies also have the power to improve communities and the lives of the underprivileged across the world.


About the Author

Content marketing and inbound marketing expert, Steve Conway is passionate about discovering new tech which will enhance his already well-honed digital marketing skills.