
Storytelling – The X Factor in Sales Copy and Sales Presentations

An important tactic I have learned from the leaders of direct response marketing and writing is the use of stories when writing sales copy. It’s often said that“Facts Tell but Stories Sell!” From my experience of writing sales copy, this is entirely true.

I regularly attend marketing seminars and workshops in Sydney. I take copious notes on the content delivered by speakers to review and implement in my own marketing activities. It’s fortunate I do this as otherwise I would forget most of what was presented. What I do remember months later are the stories, experiences and anecdotes the speakers narrate. I’ve also noticed that speakers who tell their story with passion in multi-speaker public events seem to make the most sales.

It’s the same in sales copy. The mistake I see many direct response copywriters make in writing sales copy is the absence of a story which builds empathy with the reader. Similarly you will seldom find a story on the About Us page. Despite what you may think visitors to your website want to know who they are dealing with, rather than read a vision or mission statement.

A well-constructed story helps to capture attention, build rapport, enhance reputation, engage your customers and convert them to raving fans.

Besides, doesn’t your story serve as an inspiration to create products or services you are passionate about that will improve the lives of people in some way?

The question you may be asking right now is, “How do I know if my stories are resonating with my target audience?”

The answer is simple really. If people really like your story, you will get asked a lot of questions about the topic.

For example I get asked a lot of questions about how to write direct response copythat sells.

Why do I get asked questions about direct response copywriting? Because I have a story to tell about how writing persuasive copy for clients whether it’s direct mail, website copy or sales letters has directly impacted their sales. This inspires me to sell a copywriting course business owners can benefit from.

Here are five tips for finding and narrating a story that sells:

1) Repeat Questions.

What questions do you get asked repeatedly? Do people ask you about how you get customers? Why you chose your profession? How you manage your time? How do you cope with running a business and still manage to take care of family needs?

If you find a common thread in the questions you are asked it’s quite likely you’ve aroused their curiosity and have a selling story.

2) Inch wide, mile deep

When you tell your story you may feel that your audience will not be interested in all the details and be tempted to skim over these. You may have heard that the devil is in the details and skim over important details that hooks your audience. What appears boring to you could be fascinating to them.

Journalists often use this tactic when interviewing celebrities. They are trained to ask questions that are a mile deep. By doing this they uncover intriguing details that provide insights into the lives of celebrities which provide a completely new perspective on their lives.

Often these details can revolve around the most challenging situations you may have face and how you triumphed despite the odds being stacked heavily against you. The “selling” angle of your story of course is the secret ingredient that led to your success.

3) Client success stories

Do you have a great story about how you solved a big or common problem? You may have several success stories so select one that you feel is common for many of your prospects and demonstrates your expertise in a way which elevates your product or service over your competitors.

For example, say you’re telling a story in your sales copy about a prospect who approached you to help with ideas to generate leads. Instead of sending them your standard proposal and quote, tell your story about how you took the time to find their real problem, your qualifying strategy to ensure the prospect could afford your services and how you created a “wow factor” by providing valuable feedback on their marketing even before they became your client.

4) Get personal

People often put on a mask when they interact with others for the fear their views and interests may create a disconnect with their audience if these don’t match with the interests of others.

As long as what you passionately believe in positively impacts the lives of others and energizes you, people will appreciate you for standing up for what you believe is right even if it differs from the practices they follow. In saying so stay away from subjects like religion, gender issues and other controversies which can cause bitterness.

When you narrate your story with your passion, your enthusiasm will shine through and you will get more conversions from your sales copy.

5) Leverage the power of feedback

Ask your family, friends and clients what they feel are your greatest strengths

I know sometimes it can be difficult to get your story out, so a quick way off the starting block is to turn to others who know you closely and ask them what they feel are your greatest strengths. You can record an interview with a client around one of your strengths and use it while narrating your story and even as a testimonial on your website.

So now you know how to write a compelling copy, give it a go when you write your next sales letter or make a sales presentation. You will be amazed at the response you are able to generate. If you have a website, create a section in your About Us page to narrate a story about yourself and your journey in taking your business to where it is today.


About the author: Farhad Khurshed


An Exponential Copywriter, I guarantee to triple the leads for a business and double the sales within 12 months through a unique combination of offline & online direct response marketing, emotional trigger copywriting and social media initiatives.

This article was first published by Farhad Khurshed