
The Winning Package

So long as new ideas are created, sales will continue to reach new highs.
Dorothea Brande

Putting it all together

OK you have the big idea…the headline…the lead and now you just need the body of the sales package. So how do you do that?

Your reader is absorbed in your copy so far and is now reading the body of the sales package. You want to keep her interested so you must keep showing how the product will benefit her now and in the future.

As you lead her throughout your copy, you need to explain what life would be like without this product.

You need to focus and repeat any benefit that you mentioned in the lead and headline. This is the time to dig out the testimonial mentioned in my earlier post- ‘Receiving Testimonials from Satisfied Clients Is Easy!’

This will reinforce the promise you make…show her proof from a satisfied customer or client. This is very powerful indeed. See if you can give your prospect a reason to desire the product…’solutions for her pain’.

Be ultra-specific…

Be as precise as you possibly can. State facts and figures to your prospect showing her that you understand her pain at a deep level. If you can show her you understand she needs to gain 6 or 10 pounds of muscle to be able to climb that mountain you will gain her trust (don’t focus on losing the fat…focus on gaining the muscle).

If you are talking the talk that she understands you are keeping her engaged, therefore you are getting closer to closing the sale. Be honest and know what you are talking about and she will feel that you are there to help her to solve her problem.

Know thy prospect…

Knowing who your prospect is will help you to understand what she wants therefore you can feed her the information she is looking for. Again, it must be truthful with proof to back it up.

Therefore, it is a good idea to spend some time researching who will be purchasing your product. An example of this would be- male…female…age etc.

Must include a strong call to action

You should also be placing a ‘call to action’ throughout your copy. Not too often but possibly one or two per page as you did in your lead.

The main copy should repeat benefits and pain points as in ‘the lead’ but more in depth. You need to convince her to buy this product now for whatever reason and lead her to the buy button.

As you lead her throughout your copy, you need to explain what life will be like without this product.

Your copy must flow and be interesting.  It needs to be believable…makes her excited and includes a strong call to action. Once again, at the close you need to repeat benefits and guarantees if you have them. Now if you have done everything right she will let you take her hand and place it on the buy now button.


About the author: John Brewer


John Brewer is a professionally-trained freelance web copywriter and coach. His expertise in web marketing and copy-writing has helped many businesses to increase sales just by implementing some of his strategies. He has great passion and understanding for writing compelling content and helping businesses to increase their sales.

This article was first published by John Brewer