Unlocking Productivity and Serenity: Feng Shui Tips for Remote Workers’ Home Offices

The challenges of working from home can be daunting. Especially since so many people were unprepared for the transition in the aftermath of COVID-19. But now that remote work has become the new normal, many have struggled to maintain a professional and productive work environment at home. One way to improve the atmosphere of your home office is through the ancient Chinese philosophy known as Feng Shui. While it’s a familiar term to many, not all understand its application or its advantages. Yet, there are simple and cost-effective measures you can adopt to instil balance, tranquillity, and efficiency in your workspace.

Understanding the Basics of Feng Shui

Prior to integrating Feng Shui principles into your home office, it’s helpful to acquaint yourself with its fundamental concepts.

The term “Feng Shui” directly translates as “wind” (Feng) and “water” (Shui). Originating from ancient China, this practice seeks to align individuals with the energies of their surroundings. Central to its philosophy is the idea that every object and space holds an energy, termed “Chi.” By directing this energy, you can create equilibrium and flow, subsequently impacting our overall well-being and efficiency.

A pivotal element of Feng Shui revolves around the interplay of Yin and Yang. These are two contrasting yet interconnected energies. Yin encompasses calmness, quietness, and openness, whereas Yang embodies strength, activity, and warmth. For an environment to be considered harmonious in Feng Shui terms. It should ideally strike a balance between these energies.

Another term that’s helpful to understand is the Bagua. The Bagua, or energy map, is a fundamental tool in Feng Shui practice. It’s a grid divided into nine sections, each representing a different life aspect. They range from wealth and prosperity to knowledge and wisdom. In the context of your home office, the Bagua map can guide you in arranging your space to amplify positive energy and encourage productivity.

Feng Shui Tips for Home Office Setups

Proper Placement of Desk

In Feng Shui, the placement of your desk can significantly influence your productivity and mental peace. The concept of the “commanding position” is central to this. Your desk should be positioned in a way that allows you to see the door to the room without being directly in line with it. This enables you to welcome opportunities (symbolized by the door) while maintaining control and security.

Avoid placing your desk facing a wall if possible, as this can symbolize facing obstacles in your work. Similarly, having your back on the door may lead to feelings of unease or vulnerability. If facing the door is not feasible, consider using a mirror on your desk or wall to reflect the door, reclaiming your commanding position.

Use of Natural Light and Colors

Natural light is a powerful energizer in Feng Shui. It promotes alertness and focus, making it an important element in any home office setup. Position your desk near a window, but avoid direct sunlight on your workspace to minimize glare. Use light-filtering curtains or blinds to regulate the light entering the room throughout the day.

Regarding colour selection, Feng Shui recommends earthy tones like beige, light yellow, and pale green for a home office since they stimulate concentration and creativity. However, the choice of colors can vary depending on the energy you wish to cultivate. For instance, blues and blacks can enhance communication and introspection, while reds and purples instigate dynamism and prosperity.

Clutter Management

Clutter is considered a major energy blocker. It can cause stress, hamper productivity, and even affect mental well-being. Therefore, it’s essential to maintain a clean and organized workspace.

Regularly declutter your desk and surrounding area, keeping only necessary items within reach. Use storage solutions like drawers, shelves, or desktop organizers to tidy your workspace. Remember, a clear space fosters a clear mind.

Introducing Nature to Your Home Office

Incorporating natural elements into your home office can create a calming ambience, reduce stress, and enhance productivity. Plants are popular in Feng Shui due to their ability to purify air and promote positive energy.

Opt for easy-to-maintain plants like succulents, snake plants, or peace lilies. Additionally, you can introduce other natural elements like a small water fountain for a soothing sound or natural crystals like Amethyst for its calming properties.

Utilizing the Power of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is another powerful tool to enhance your home office environment. Certain scents stimulate the senses, improve concentration, and reduce stress levels.

Essential oils like rosemary and lemon boost productivity and focus, while lavender and chamomile can promote calmness and reduce anxiety. You can introduce these scents into your workspace through a diffuser or scented candles. Remember to choose natural products over synthetic ones to ensure you’re getting the full benefits.

Place Mirrors Carefully

Mirrors in Feng Shui are considered powerful objects. They can redirect energy and expand the space. When placed correctly, they can increase the flow of positive energy or ‘Chi’ in your workspace. However, avoid placing a mirror directly facing your desk, often referred to as “poison arrows” in Feng Shui, as it can create a sense of restlessness and distraction.

Mirrors should reflect a pleasant view or an aspect of the room that you want to amplify. This could be a beautiful piece of art or a window framing a scenic view.

Avoid Sharp Angles and Corners

Sharp angles and corners in your home office can create what’s known as “sha chi”. Or killing energy in Feng Shui. This can lead to feelings of discomfort and unease.

To mitigate this, try to arrange your furniture. Avoid sharp edges pointing towards your working area. If this isn’t possible, consider softening these edges by adding plants, draping fabric, or decor items with rounded edges.

Make Smart Use of Feng Shui Principles

Whether preparing for a new job or just trying to bring more balance into your workspace, following these Feng Shui principles can help create a thriving environment that supports productivity and creativity.

The key is to think of the entire room holistically and use elements like colour, light, texture, and placement in tandem with each other. With thoughtful planning and mindful decorating, you can create an inviting and energizing space for yourself.

Continue Reading: Home Office Solutions for Working From Home in 2021

Hannah YangAbout the Author

Visionary and healthcare entrepreneur by passion and licensed Psychologist by training, Dr Hannah Yang loves creating new possibilities in the world of mental health and wellness. Dr. Yang established Balanced Awakening in 2015 as a niche psychotherapy practice for women. As Balanced Awakening flourishes in Chicago, and soon Miami, she also loves to tap into her passion for design and Feng Shui to create fabulous environments for herself, her team, and her clients.