
5 Writing Hacks on How to Keep Your Writing Rhythm on Track

Ask any writer like you and he or she will tell you how valuable it is to be in the zone for writing where words seem to magically flow. It is always an exciting moment when the writing rhythm stays on track. However, there are other moments that the same writers struggle with getting into the zone and maintaining the right mindset. They feel lost and anxious with no idea of how to get the flow back. The inspiration and focus are just nowhere to be found. If you have hit such a block, know that it happens to most writers most of the time. Moreover, when it does, it doesn’t mean the end for your writing rhythm. Here are some tricks that you can use to have your writing flow always on the check.

  1. Stick to a routine

The mind has a way of remembering and getting into the zone of an activity or a habit that happens around the same time every day. The same can apply to writing as well. If you condition your mind that a certain period of time in your day is for writing, the mind will start getting into the zone almost automatically. It might even start feeling wrong on the days when you decided to skip. To find the best time for your writing routine, experiment with different times in your schedule. You will surely realize which the best time for you to write is. Do your best to stick to it and you will find that inspiration and flow come naturally.

  1. Just show up

One culprit that is responsible for stealing your writing rhythm is procrastination. Another culprit is being too preoccupied with other tasks such that you have no time left for your writing. These two are bound to hit once in a while, but you can beat them by making writing non-negotiable. The cure for procrastination is to show up and get it done regardless of how low the inspiration is. If your issue is a lack of time, you need to start being intentional about your writing. It is like any other task that needs a slot in your schedule. Cut back time that you have allocated to other tasks, and try to find a balance between the two.

  1. Get rid of distractions

There are people who are never bothered by distractions, but there are others that a small distraction takes all the focus away. Unfortunately, when the focus shifts it carries with it the writing rhythm. Getting it back becomes a daunting task with minimal chances for success. If you belong to the latter, it is good for you to get rid of all distractions. Turn off your phone if you must and mute all notifications for your email and social media accounts. If you have the ability, find a dedicated space for your writing that is free from distractions. You can also invest in noise-cancelling headphones for when you need to concentrate on your writing.

  1. Stop short

This trick works best for writers who have a hard time starting on a blank page. If you always dread starting something new, try stopping your writing sessions in the middle. It could be in the middle of a chapter or sentence. Since you already know how you were to end it, it becomes easier to continue with the flow the next time you pick it up. This is also a source of inspiration for the next writing session. The eagerness and the excitement to complete the chapter have the power to compel you to get back to it.

  1. Outsource

At times, all other writing hacks fail and the flow won’t just come back no matter how much you try. It doesn’t hurt to find help in such times. This is especially true when you are dealing with difficult tasks such as writing scientific articles. The next time your mind hits a block and you feel stuck, consider outsourcing the writing to the experts. If you are writing a scientific article, you can use scientific writing services to get your paper done professionally and on time.

Continue Reading: The 4 Most Essential Writing Hacks for Writers

Getting the flow going isn’t always an easy task even to veteran writers. However, having a few tricks up your sleeves can get you going even in such moments. Try to find a routine for your writing and stick to it. Keep showing up even when you don’t feel like it and get all the distractions out of the way. If starting from a blank page terrifies you, try stopping in the middle of a sentence or page. In addition, don’t shy away from seeking help if everything else fails.