
What To Do After You Publish A Blog Post: 5 Crucial Steps

You’ve painstakingly researched your next blog post based on what your tribe wants and needs to know. You’ve crafted an engaging and relevant article, listening to your soul-voice and relaying the expert knowledge that only you have. You’ve read your post backwards and forwards, checking and re-checking for any possible typos. You’ve sourced beautiful images and graphics, optimized your blog post for search and social, and linked out to other authorities from around the web.

Finally, after this labor of love for your audience (and because you’re savvy to the power of a great business blog) it’s time to hit “publish.” Now, you can sit back and relax, enjoying the surge of accomplishment from producing a unique and awesome blog post.

Well…not exactly.

The reason why so many entrepreneurs never see any growth from their business blog is because they think their work is done the moment they publish an article.

But in reality, once you publish a blog post, there are still a couple of crucial steps on your content marketing to-do list.

Even if you’re taking the time to optimize your articles with SEO best practices,that’s often not enough. You need to make your blog post readily available to those who are already desperately searching for it—and that means taking the time to distribute your content where your tribe can easily find it.

If you’re going to invest all the time and energy that goes into crafting amazing blog posts, then it’s worth it to go the extra mile to ensure your content actuallyboosts your business’ bottom line.

Here are five crucial steps to take after you publish a blog post:


1. Distribute It On Social Media

This is one of the easiest—yet most efficient—ways to get your brilliant blog posts in front of your target audience. Share your blog posts on every single social media network that you have. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +, Pinterest…wherever you are already engaging with your ideal clients.

Don’t just share your blog post once. Use a scheduling tool like Coschedule,Buffer, or Meet Edgar to help you plan out multiple times to share your content. Especially on Twitter where the average lifespan of a Tweet is only a few seconds, you simply won’t see the benefits of social media conversions if you tweet a blog post once and then forget all about it. Schedule a few social media updates the day-of publishing; a few for later that week; and then a couple more for later on in the month. Continually go back to old blog posts to share them once more. There are a few plug-ins that will automatically tweet out old blog posts, which are an effective way to streamline this process.

Social media can be a total time warp, so I recommend having a look over our past series on using social media efficiently and effectively to help you in distributing your blog posts with ease.

2. Email Your List


If you’ve signed up to receive my exclusive email goodies, then you already know that I send a weekly email to my tribe every Thursday, without fail. There’s a lot that goes into an epic email marketing strategy, but one reason why email is so powerful is that it allows you to continue to grow and nurture relationships with those people who have already expressed an interest in you and your services.

Your email list is chock-full of ideal clients. Don’t miss the opportunity to develop a relationship with them by delivering high-quality content straight to their inbox on a regular basis.

Whenever you publish a new blog post, email your list to let them know! The goal here is to eventually convert a lead into a sale. It doesn’t happen overnight, but using your email list to distribute your blog posts is a great way to start.

3. Comment, Comment, Comment!


If you’re just getting started with your business blog, then chances are you’re having trouble getting a lot of traction with it. Maybe your friends and family stop by to read your posts, but I’m willing to doubt those are the people you’re trying to covert into valued customers and clients. If you’re struggling with getting your voice heard, then…

About the author: Lynan Saperstein


My Big Factor is Seeing Your Unique Gift- Greatness and Illuminating It, so you serve and share with the world in the biggest way possible. Mindset transformation and business strategy action planning is the way we make it happen together. I was put on this planet to support entrepreneurs, to help to them step fully into their service ideas and talents to make a profitable living with their business. I believe entrepreneurs will change the world we live in, I am here to show everyone that the entrepreneurial spirit lives inside of each one of us. As a Business Expansion Mentor, I will help you break free of your personal roadblocks, help you to completely avoid the ‘normal’ pitfalls of growing a business and support you in scaling up your vision to serve more people and reach around the globe with your brand. With the Big Factor Team and Implementation Support, nothing is impossible. If you can dream it, we’ll test it first then we’ll build it.

This article was first published by Lynan Saperstein

6 replies
  1. Jacques Moussa
    Jacques Moussa says:

    “I was put on this planet to support entrepreneurs” I love how you put this phrase as your purpose in life. Great article, thanks for sharing.

  2. Amba
    Amba says:

    Wondering if the blog post being titled “5 crucial steps” with only 3 actually being mentioned is intentional to get some comments :)

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