
How To Get Clients To Pay For Overdue Services

Can you relate?

You’re working with a great client. You love the work you’re doing, and your client loves the results you’re providing. But then payment due date rolls around and…crickets.

All of the sudden your client is MIA—and you’re the one left with no payment for your hard work. 

If you’ve ever found yourself in this tricky situations, first of all know that you are not alone. This happens ALL the time. Entrepreneurs regularly send me e-mails and private Facebook messages asking what to do when a client doesn’t pay on time, especially in the middle of an ongoing contract.

Because I’ve been there myself—and because no one else wants to talk about it, even though I know a lot of entrepreneurs face this—I’ve decided it’s time to air this topic out in the open. To make it less taboo. And to give you the tools you need to handle payment issues with grace, while still getting the value that youdeserve.

So if you’ve ever been in that sticky situation where a client doesn’t pay on time (or at all) and you’ve wondered what to do, keep reading. This is the post for you!

How To Get Clients To Pay For Overdue Services

Before I dive into the specific steps to take when a client doesn’t pay on time, it’s important to talk about setting the tone for success—for attracting clients that DO pay exactly when they are supposed to.

The key here is boundaries. If you can create and establish boundaries from the start, then you will notice a difference in your relationships with your clients.

From the onset, make it crystal-clear:

  • When payments are expected from clients
  • How payment will be accepted
  • What will happen if payment is overdue

If you regularly have clients that are not paying on time, then this is likely a sign that you are lacking clarity in your expectations and boundaries. Take extra time to go over the contract with clients at the start, and remind them as you go along.

That said, sometimes you just get one of those clients that can’t pay on time—even with crystal-clear boundaries in place.  Unfortunately, I’ve been there before. Remember you have attracted this situation and this client, take ownership. And when this happens, I suggest taking the following action steps to get clients to pay and stay empowered:

1. Let Your Client Know They Are Overdue!

You would be surprised how many entrepreneurs skip this step and immediately go into crisis mode.

Before you panic, make sure that this is not a simple oversight. Things happen—credit cards expire, people get busy, e-mails get buried. Reach out to the client and see what’s going on. Send a gentle reminder invoice, e-mail them, or even send a text message if you have that kind of relationship.

Be kind, but also be clear that they are late on their payment.

2. Schedule A Phone Call

Communication is key whenever you have any issue with a client. And in the case of a missing payment, your client is likely doing enough hiding for the both of you.

Be brave and bold, and tell your client outright that you need to speak with them about the overdue amount. 

Just remember that you can be bold while still ensuring that your client feels taken care ofthroughout the entire process. Make sure your client understands that they haven’t done anything “wrong.” They are not being reprimanded. They simply need to get back on track, in alignment and integrity with the commitment they have made.

If you put the stamp of your essence into all that you do from the very start, then you will be able to stay in control and in alignment with your brand while still getting the payment you deserve.

3. Empower The Client With Their Money Relationship

This is something you won’t hear many people talking about, but I think it is so crucial for successful trailblazing entrepreneurs.

No matter what your niche or industry, we are all money coaches and guides. It iscriticalthat we empower out clients in their relationship with money—and their investment to pay in full for your product or service.

I truly believe that anyone can create the funds they want for anything by shifting their money mindset.

And my number one way to make more money is this simple but extremely efficient exercise…


About the author: Lynan Saperstein


My Big Factor is Seeing Your Unique Gift- Greatness and Illuminating It, so you serve and share with the world in the biggest way possible. Mindset transformation and business strategy action planning is the way we make it happen together. I was put on this planet to support entrepreneurs, to help to them step fully into their service ideas and talents to make a profitable living with their business. I believe entrepreneurs will change the world we live in, I am here to show everyone that the entrepreneurial spirit lives inside of each one of us. As a Business Expansion Mentor, I will help you break free of your personal roadblocks, help you to completely avoid the ‘normal’ pitfalls of growing a business and support you in scaling up your vision to serve more people and reach around the globe with your brand. With the Big Factor Team and Implementation Support, nothing is impossible. If you can dream it, we’ll test it first then we’ll build it.

This article was first published by Lynan Saperstein