
Use Your Story to Attract, Engage & Sell

Who is the real person behind the entrepreneur, the professional, the expert that you are?

  • When you talk about how you came to be where you are today, you open the door to connect on an emotional level.
  • When you share how you overcame obstacles, you create credibility.
  • When you reveal your journey, others can relate and want to know more.
  • When you open up and tell the little known fun secrets from your past, you are being authentic and relate that you’re trustworthy.

Your story belongs to you alone…no one shares the same story. Your journey, your personality – your story – is what makes you stand apart.

By sharing your passions, your struggles, your accomplishments, you attract more connections and more opportunities. You position yourself as the expert you are.  The twists and turns of your life – as early as your childhood, in some cases, have led you on the path to where you now stand. How did you get here?  Why did you choose this path?


No one wants to read a boring résumé…that’s what you’ve done, not who you are.

When you connect with your passion, it’s easy to share your story with others.  Sprinkle it in with your marketing messages.  There won’t be any hype or awkward sales pitch…instead, you’ll have real conversations that speak to your clients’ needs. And that will shift your marketing messages from being salesy to sharing and serving others.

Referred to as a “Magnetic Marketing & Mindset Master,” Susan Regier is an in demand marketing content writer, speaker, and “tell-it-like-it-is” coach/mentor to serious entrepreneurs who want to up-level their businesses. She has the uncanny ability to find the hidden gems in a business that ignites sales and profits for her clients. Susan is the publisher of Networking Today, Canada’s online resource to connect professionals, build relationships, and grow businesses.


About the author: Susan Regier


Referred to as a “Magnetic Marketing & Mindset Master,” Susan Regier is an in demand marketing content writer, speaker, and “tell-it-like-it-is” coach/mentor to serious entrepreneurs who want to up-level their businesses. She has the uncanny ability to find the hidden gems in a business that ignites sales and profits for her clients. Susan is the publisher of, Canada’s online resource to connect professionals, build relationships, and grow businesses. For information on her writing services visit and get your free guide: 15 Tips to Increase Your Influence, Attract More Clients & Make More Money at

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