
“Tooting Your Own Horn” or Informing Your Prospects

I was writing a bio for a client recently – a darn good bio – that showcased her expertise, her talent, and a bit of her quirky side. It was engaging and told “her story” in an authentic way and hopefully, would make prospects sit up and say, “I want to hire her!”

Now…let’s backtrack a minute. Before I begin writing a bio or About Page for anyone, they must complete a two page questionnaire filled with juicy tidbits about their life – and some not so juicy, but necessary details.

So, after crafting this compelling piece, I was surprised when my client was “uncomfortable” with the content. What?

Everything contained in the write up was true – her accomplishments, her talent, and how she helped her clients. She agreed it was accurate and good – but she thought she shouldn’t tell so much about herself. She said it sounded like she was bragging and she was raised to never “toot her own horn.”

In marketing, if you don’t share who you are and why you’re the perfect choice to serve your market, those potential clients will go to someone else that will acknowledge they know what they’re doing. And I’m talking about sharing this info in a story form and not a boring bulleted list of accomplishments.

Think of it this way, if you were going in for surgery and contemplating which surgeon should cut into you (if that is even possible), would you choose Surgeon A who shares how she has successfully operated on thousands of patients with a 99.99% success rate…or Surgeon B who simply says, “I’m a surgeon working in London, Ontario and graduated in 1997”? If all else is equal, of course you’d choose Surgeon A, who has shared her experiences and you get that she knows what she’s doing.

In person, it takes time to get to know others as you engage, build rapport, and make a connection. Online, you have seconds before your prospect is off to find someone who they believe is capable of fully helping them.

You can toot your own horn – but don’t blow it. Excessive hype will turn people off. Be authentic – share your story. And once I pointed this out to my client, the bio stood as written…the only change was a shift in perspective.


About the author: Susan Regier


Referred to as a “Magnetic Marketing & Mindset Master,” Susan Regier is an in demand marketing content writer, speaker, and “tell-it-like-it-is” coach/mentor to serious entrepreneurs who want to up-level their businesses. She has the uncanny ability to find the hidden gems in a business that ignites sales and profits for her clients. Susan is the publisher of, Canada’s online resource to connect professionals, build relationships, and grow businesses. For information on her writing services visit and get your free guide: 15 Tips to Increase Your Influence, Attract More Clients & Make More Money at

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5 replies
  1. Paul Lalley, admin, Freelance Web Writers
    Paul Lalley, admin, Freelance Web Writers says:

    Hi, Susan,

    Thanks for sharing.

    Standard “About” page bios always sound like obits.

    “Mike went to MIT, and committed himself to others. He passed away peacefully surrounded by family.”

    When you go to Amazon, do you care about Jeff Bezos? Go to Microsoft with Bill Gates in mind? Think about your own behaviors. Do you give a whit who owns the site, and what they look like?

    Site visitors want to know “what’s in it for me?” and you’ve got about six seconds to tell them before they bounce to another site, or back to SERPS. Never write bios of principals. The About page is the ideal page to talk about company values, corporate citizenship, and an ironclad return policy.

    You make principals complete a list of questions to find “juicy tidbits?” Now I want to know even less. Unless the site sells the client (CFA, broker, consultant) NOBODY cares about the owners. You’re wasting real estate that could be used to demonstrate authority, expertise, and other reasons to contact the business.

    Sorry, I think this is a little off target.

    Thanks, again,

    • Susan Regier
      Susan Regier says:

      Thanks for your comments, Paul, and I agree that you have a very short time to grab their attention, which is why your expertise must go into the opening. The business or corporation bio is a separate piece, which I didn’t touch on in this article.

  2. Brent Pulford
    Brent Pulford says:

    Why is a copywriter seeking another copywriter to compose her bio? If what you recommend, tooting your own horn, is the key to exciting prospective employers, shouldn’t your advice be, ‘go home and write the thing yourself’?

    • Susan Regier
      Susan Regier says:

      Thanks for your comment, Brent. This particular client was not another copywriter – she was a wellness coach with her own practice. However, I have helped other copywriter’s as well – often it comes down to timing and areas of writing expertise.

  3. Gerome Soriano
    Gerome Soriano says:

    I can relate, for some clients we go far beyond just being writers for them. We become therapists, reminding them of the bombastic value that they have and that the world is looking forward to seeing those put out there.

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