
Stop Serving Customers to Save Money

If you’re a small to medium-sized business, and you’re trying to grow your business but you’re drowning in a mountain of client emails, and your inbox is overflowing with too many sales and support questions, then you need help.

But help isn’t just answering emails. Perhaps you also need help in…

  • Selling your products and services when pre-sales questions come in.
  • Promoting additional or alternative offers, including affiliate ones.
  • Building a knowledgebase for your clients to answer common questions.
  • Gathering positive feedback to help build testimonials of happy clients.
  • Responding to and deflating negative feedback that only gets you down.
  • Upselling and cross-selling in the backend, increasing your sales volume.
  • Escalating only those issues that strictly require your personal attention.
  • Or reducing refunds by digging a little deeper and offering alternatives.

In short, getting help isn’t just to answer support emails. Customer sales and support assistance, like what we offer at Workaholics4Hire, frees up your time to allow you to work on your business rather than in your business, as we act as sales representatives for you while being advocates for your customers.

Once you hire a team of dedicated, knowledgeable, North American customer care assistants handle the heavy lifting in the backend with your clients, you can then have more time to market and grow your business — and even improve the frontend with feedback and recommendations.

It doesn’t matter if you sell gaming software, used cars, flooring tiles, downloadable music, web design services, or anything in between, Workaholics4Hire’s Customer Sales and Support Agents are well-versed with multiple online marketing tools.

We take the time to learn your specific products or services, build quality templates and articles, and save you a ton of money in different ways. First, let’s look at billing.

Affordable and Simple Customer Service Billing.

The most common question inquired by a new customer support clients is, “How much can I expect customer support to cost?” Our billing structure is simple and extremely cost effective.

We charge our clients a scaled flat monthly fee, which is determined by how much time we need to spend working on your desk.

No two customers are alike, and no two customer support systems are alike either. We value our clients very highly, so we do not bill you according to email volume alone. This would be highly costly for you, and that isn’t what we want for our customers.

Clients who have a high volume of emails may not necessarily need a lot of support. As a matter of fact, high volume is often a result of high spam hits rather than valid incoming customer queries.

Warning! If a company charges you a low “per ticket” price (and I use quotes here on purpose), they are likely charging you for spam tickets as well as genuine tickets that require a Legitimate Human Response, or LHR for short.

But even when they strictly charge you per LHR, the actual cost may be shocking…

The Hidden Cost of Price Fractioning

“Price Fractioning” or “Price Reframing” is what many service providers will use to disguise the actual price of what they are selling. The tactic is to break it down into its lowest/least common denominator in order to make the price appear smaller, when in reality it is quite costly.

How do you know if this guise even works?

Let’s try this.

Have you ever heard, “It’s only going to cost you less than the price of a cup of coffee?” Colloquially known as the “Cup-of-Coffee Tactic”, Price Fractioning is commonly used by customer support service providers. And although it is not unethical, it is certainly deceiving.

They do this because they know that most business owners will not have the time to sit down and do the math, and frankly, it is very easy to look at a low “only-$2-per-ticket” price tag and think you’re getting a great deal.

So we did some comparing. To help make things perfectly clear and transparent, we used our actual rates with real clients to see what they would have paid if they had hired someone else to handle their customer support.

The results were shocking!

We knew we saved our customers money, but even we didn’t realize just how much:


Turns out, our prices are 50% cheaper than the guys who charge $1 a ticket, and 75% cheaper than the guys who charge $2!

With small desks for example (which happen to be the bulk of our clients), the average monthly cost of $2-per-ticket providers came to $1,992 a month. Even those providers from overseas who charge $1 came to $996 a month. But our actual monthly charge is $500.

How Are We So Affordable?

We keep your costs low because it is in our best interest to do so. After all, we’re here to make your customers’ experience amazing, and we’re on a mission to improve your sales by making sure your customers are thrilled.

By doing this and doing this well, we not only keep your customers happy, we also keep you happy, and we keep our staff employed and happy. And as your business grows, so does our own. We grow along with you.

We only bill according to how much time it takes to perform work for your customer support account each day. Not per ticket or email, but based on the overall volume of work your desk requires.

Since you choose the range of services you want us to provide, you stay in control of your costs. You can always start with fewer services and upgrade when you are ready.

If you don’t know how much time your desk would require, simply make sure to choose according to your budget when you fill out your free assessment, and we can always scale back if you need us to.

Customer Support Rate Cards

We provide general customer support to begin. These include password fixes, billing issues, general inquiries, access or login problems, presale questions, etc. Most of our clients only ever need general support for almost everything that arises in a help desk.

Problems with webhosting, scripts, and software require specialized technical expertise for a correct response to such difficult issues. So if a question comes in that’s highly technical in nature, we escalate to you, your team, or your programmer. But handle the rest.

We provide accurate and detailed information about your account. No hidden fees and no surprises! Each month, your account manager sends you the in-depth billing report. This way, you can be certain of exactly how much you are paying for customer support each month.

We believe in total accountability, and this commitment to you is reflected in our help desk service invoicing and billing system.

After setting you up with your client service account, we watch your account carefully to determine the average amount of time our team needs to spend each day, and set up a monthly subscription for the baseline average.

This subscription can be upgraded or downgraded at any time as your needs change. You will only ever need to communicate with one person — your very own Customer Support Team Manager.

This one person will handle all the details, and is ultimately responsible for the quality of your customer support and for reporting each month.

Freeing Up Your Time, Energy, and Sanity!

Ultimately, without a customer service team dedicated to handling clients for you, often the duty falls on you, thus taking your time away from growing your business — time better spent on creating, marketing, and selling products and services.

Either that or the duty falls to other full time employees who already have enough on their work plate who might end up resenting their jobs, such as salespeople who get pulled into fielding issues when they should be making sales calls. That translates into lost revenue.

By outsourcing your customer service to a trained, dedicated customer service staff, you can keep everyone happy while ultimately maximizing customer value and opening up new possibilities of revenue for you.

About the author: Michel Fortin

michel - profile pic

A copywriter and consultant for close to 30 years, Michel was instrumental in selling millions worth of products and services. His most notable success is a salesletter that sold over a million dollars online on launch day. Today, Michel is a best-selling author, in-demand public speaker, and highly sought-after marketing consultant.

Click here to view the original post by Michel Fortin