
Slovenian Advertising Festival (SOF) smokes like the ‘90s

Copywriter Martin Mol recently attended the Slovenian Advertising Festival and shares his thoughts about it. 
Where the hell is Slovenia? It’s the first country in the Balkans straight ahead if entering from Austria or turns left somewhere if coming through Italy. You can’t go wrong. Yes, it’s small but I’m sure it is there. 101% sure! 
Okay, but what does that matter to you since, unless you are based in Slovenia, you cannot enter the Slovene Lions competition at the Slovenian Advertising Festival (SOF)…But, hey, the two-day program is loaded with international speakers…so everything is in English. Next year, I recommend going for it 101%!
I enjoyed Thomas Kolster’s lecture which pleaded for Goodvertising. This coined phrase centres around the idea of using your voice and work to make a better world through advertising. Of course, I’ve heard this story before—didn’t Benetton first start this with their United Colours campaign last century? However, it’s still nice that a 40-year-old copywriter like Thomas wrote a trendy book about it and brings more focus to it, and in a very convincing way.
It was fun to hear Vladimir Ćosić speak about 50 useful and honest tips on how to sell extremely creative ideas. This creative director from McCann Serbia, who looks and talks like Woody Allen, is indeed keeping it real about how important presentation techniques are to clients.
Last but not least, old-school designer Ron Cregan talked about his Endangered Species movement: brands at the brink of extinction. He’s asking to stop government regulations and warnings on alcohol, dairy, sugar and coffee products. He has a point there. And while listening to this Irish-born speaker I couldn’t help but think he is 101% f**ked with his Irish coffee since it contains all four of those bad ingredients in a world already famous with endangered brands.
What was especially interesting about this last lecture was that is was sponsored by Agency 101, a booming hardworking Slovenian ad agency. A year ago they asked me to do some corporate branding for them. Of course, 101% was my answer. This concept was then implemented into such things as personalised 101% coffee mugs for their employees and clients. Once more, by sponsoring this event and getting international speakers like Ron to talk at their national festival, it shows the 101% they put into their thought process.

Was that all? Hell no!
Can you imagine how f**king proud I was to see Agency 101 receiving a Golden Slovene Lion (plus 3 more nominations) on stage at the festival?! Talk about 101% results. Details, details, details! Yes, but 101% details!
Why was the overall festival atmosphere here like the ‘90s? Go next year if you want to find out and experience something crazy.
I can tell you this: at the Thursday night party at the famous beach-club Paprika in Portoroz, an account director from Publicis One gave me a full pack of cigarettes when I only asked for one. Because I don’t smoke, I recalled the times in the ‘90s when I would say “I don’t do drugs” while the account people would give me a full envelope of freshly-arrived coke as a fine quick-fit nose refresher. The principal is the same!
Long live SOF! Smoke it 101%!