
5 SEO Tricks to Use for Better Website Content

Are you interested in increasing the amount of organic traffic to your company’s website? Everyone has this thought, so you need to put good SEO practices in place. When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), better is better (SERP). More people will discover your blog if it’s on the first page of a search engine. How can you achieve this? Here are 5 SEO Tricks for Better Website Content.

Before we get into the specifics, let’s take a look at what SEO is all about.

What’s SEO, and why should you care about it?

Search Engine Optimization involves content, use of backlinks and keywords, design (HTML and CSS), and marketing. The Google search engine uses a complicated algorithm sequence to determine which websites are the most relevant to a searcher’s query based on factors such as site content, page components, tags, and site availability — among dozens of other factors. If you want people to find you and to generate interest in your blog, you have to ensure that the web-crawling Googlebot not only finds your site but likes it. If your Google WordPress website cannot be found, you will not be indexed, and you’re unlikely to end on the top page. In this instance, only knowing the URL or business name is the only method for people to reach your website. This is why you should understand how SEO works.

Tricks to use for better website content.

Optimize all your images with alternative tags.

High-quality images on your blog website not only enhance customer experience, but Google also takes photos into account when indexing. Since computers only read words, ensure that Google finds your images with a wealth of keywords. Instead of utilizing original file names, such as “IMG0000001,” you will rank higher if you name your image with “healthy-looking almonds.” Entrusting your website in the hand of an SEO consulting services can assist you to optimize your content effectively

Use the WordPress categories strategically.

Categories help you organize content just like tags. They also develop tips for readers regarding the content of articles and make it easier for visitors to find relevant articles on related themes. Tags are completely optional, but WordPress categories are necessary. You should seek a professional marketing agency like Tactica Silicon Valley SEO company to help you with fascinating content and content structuring.

Create effective permalinks.

Research demonstrates that while numbers in a blog title attract the reader’s attention and boost their interest in reading an article or blog, they are not considered a factor in the ranking algorithm for your blog website. So keep your slugs short — preferably six words or less. If you’re posting content titled “7 recommendations on how to lose weight in 30 days,” shorten your permalink to “Tips-on-how-to-lose-weight-swiftly.” Remember to use hyphens rather than underscore markings because Google considers an underscore to be a continuation of the term, confusing the bots and reducing PageRank.

Take advantage of the connections you have.

It’s critical to have a visually appealing and functional website, but you also need to manage your online relationships to stay one step ahead of the competition. That advantage is provided by linking. WordPress comes pre-loaded with features like blogrolls and pingbacks to make it easier to build relationships. You’ll receive a pingback notification whenever you link to an article or press release on another blog. Trackbacks let an author know you’ve mentioned her work even if you didn’t include a direct link to it. Monitoring these mentions and links will let you know which external content is affecting your ranking. Google takes these connections into account.

Make an XML sitemap for your website.

Using a sitemap generator will make it easier for search engines like Bing, Google, and Yahoo to crawl your company’s website. Paste your website’s URL into the text box provided, answer the three questions that appear, and then sit back and wait for the generator to create an optimized sitemap for you.

Continue Reading: 5 Essential SEO tips and tricks you need to try

Finally, using SEO and its marketing tools, a site can be made fully optimized for both desktop computers and mobile phones. In addition, it increases traffic and user engagement. All of these point to the necessity of incorporating features and analytics into your business operations.