
Secrets of Video Copywriting Revealed

Does  your website welcome your visitors with an impressive visual summary of who you are and what you offer? Videos are an effective way to market your products, services, and right now, they rank really well by search engines. Apart from SEO benefits, video marketing practice can help you to interact and engage your potential customers that do not want to read anything.

Creating an inspiring copy for video marketing demands terrific creativity and expertise, therefore you need to hire a qualified copywriter for video marketing. Given below are some ways to create a video marketing script that conveys everything about you in less than 2 minutes.

Have a Conversation

While creating a video, imagine that you are talking to a single person. Visualize that person before start working on the video script in order to appear more confident in the video. Experienced copywriter knows how to wrap up everything within 2 minutes effectively that really impress the visitors.

Focus On Your Key Message

You should know what exactly you want to convey in your videos and your objective behind doing this. The script has not got long to show off your best side, therefore, you need to cut down the length to the minimum and make sure you-

  • Recognize the need your customers have
  • Have the solution for that problem
  • Show your expertise (against your competitors)
  • Include a call to action statement like visit our website or call us, etc.

Be Authentic

You should appear authentic and genuine to generate leads. Provide sufficient information about your products, approach, and business in the script and descriptions to help visitors to know you better. It is imperative to win the trust of your potentials and build long-term relationship.

Speak slowly and clearly

As said before, you will get limited time to speak in the videos, start practicing. Never speak quickly to cover more in less time because your visitor will not be able to understand, and it will not solve our purpose. You have to speak slowly and clearly if you want to be understood. Ask your copywriter to tune up the script well so that you can promote your business in less words and time.

Practice Your Script

If you are a novice, your first couple of videos might be lousy, but do not be deterred. You need to keep on practicing to engage your audience, on more levels, on more platforms. You can also hire a copywriter for video marketing who does not only write script, but records as well.

When you actually start recording, do not forget to Smile!


About the author: Michael Jones


Michael Jones, dedicates his work to assist others in reaching their goals. After graduating from Georgia State University with a Bachelor Degree in Public Relations/ Marketing with a minor in Hospitality. Michael took a trip to Europe that changed his life. He was introduced to Wellness. Michael made future trips to study the European way of Wellness.

He left his lucrative corporate career in Hospitality Marketing and started his own Natural Health business specialising in Massage Therapy, Health Education and Natural Health Promotion.  His background in Marketing and passion to assist others has propelled his clients businesses to new levels. Michael has worked with countless Natural Health companies, Hotel and Spa and authored the ebook Small Steps Make a Big Change: A Step by Step Guide to Getting Healthy.

Michael Jones is a Business Coach for Natural Health Professionals. Schedule a consultation so you can see how Michael can transform your business!

2 replies
  1. suziette
    suziette says:

    Love this, I am suggesting it to my agency right now as we are having a 20th anniversary this year and will help push both it and our website. I hope they buy in to it.

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