
Overcoming writer’s block: How to be creative when you are running out of ideas

Writer’s block is unavoidable but you’re not alone. Every writer is faced with writer’s block at one point or another. Follow these tips for overcoming writer’s block.

Lyrics for instrumental songs

Listen to a piece of instrumental or classical music for a while, then when you feel the relaxation flowing into your body you can try writing lyrics for that song until you regain your momentum.

For most writers, they avoid listening to songs because they get to sing along and can’t think of original and creative words of their own minds. The tendency of incorporating the lyrics onto the writing piece is highly probable. For example, you are already drained and want to try writing a love story on Wattpad. What you can do is listen to instrumental songs like Canon in D or La Vi En Rose, then put your mind and soul into the body of the main characters and reflect their feelings onto the lyrics.

Writings prompts

You can never go wrong with the advice of experts, especially those who are creating the next generation of service marketplace. If you feel like you are drowning with your own creativity and can’t flip your feet out of the whirlpool, look for writing prompts online in Google. Thousands of creative ideas and guidelines will help you get rid of the writer’s block. These writing prompts are perfect for writing blogs and for improving writing skills as well.

Leave your comfort zone

Yes, you are a good writer but if you are stuck on the business or financial related article that you are in the process of writing and you are struggling to move onto the next paragraph, leave it and just write something else. This doesn’t mean you should leave things unfinished, you just need to take your mind off of the topic until you feel you can return with a clearer mind.

Writing a simple blog about travel, a review about certain restaurants you’ve been with a friend, a miraculous anti-aging serum booming in the market or anything that keeps the creative juices flowing until you can finally unclog the blockage.

Always write

Just write. Never stop writing even if you feel that your story or article doesn’t make any sense. Remember that you can appreciate and learn what harmony is if you’ve travelled through chaos.

Write. Read. Erase. Write. Read. Erase. This is how writing works. How can you continue if you don’t write?

Change your environment

Sometimes working in a different environment is necessary. Look for a place where you can find inspiration such as a nearby café, on the seaside or even a local library, if you prefer silence when you do the work. This will help you regenerate some energy to keep you going.

Internalize as you go to sleep

As you prepare to go to sleep, your brain is free of some stress as it looks forward for total relaxation or sleep. As you go to sleep, try reviewing some content from the chapter or topic that you are stuck on. Allow your mind to figure out what should be added and what should be omitted. Expect fresh ideas and a new creative flow the following morning.

Edit your work before finishing

Planning sometimes won’t work. Having an outline to follow is good but if it hinders you from moving forward, it’s better to write whatever comes through your mind and edit when you are done. This will help improve your content and quality of writing.

Take a break

There comes a time that you’ll get to a point of frustration and don’t know what to do. Shut it down. Yes, I’m talking about your computer. Take a short break; go to the supermarket, cook your favorite dish, get some fresh air, paint, draw, watch a movie, play basketball, or just go to bed and sleep.

Going for a walk is one of the best ideas as it can help your blood circulate properly especially in the brain. Pushing yourself is a waste of time. Insisting will never get rid of the writer’s block, relaxation will.


Write without worrying about grammar, spelling, sentence construction, etc. This will let you unclog the ideas blocking your mind. Write everything and anything you want, whatever style, whatever genre.

Keep time

Time is golden. If you have free time to write, then write but don’t feel guilty if you choose not to write during your free time. Great ideas are like coffee beans, if it is perfectly brewed you can create something good.

Accept tolerable criticism

Critics are everywhere and you can never get rid of them. A good writer should never be deterred by criticism. It can lower your self-esteem but don’t look at critics as a disincentive, think of them as a fertilizer that can nourish your skills.

Stop making excuses

As stated above, everyone experiences writer’s block from time-to-time, even the most successful ones. So if you are new in the industry and experienced this kind of issue, don’t make excuses for not improving your skills. It is only you who can assess your true capability. Seek the help of some experts or practise self-study to enhance your talent in writing.

Writer’s block is a natural phenomenon. Experts of any profession have encountered this plateau before becoming established in the industry. Perfection comes with learning. It is not only about having the basic and advanced knowledge of writing but it is also learning how you can work with yourself by listening to your own thoughts on overcoming writer’s block.

Read more on writer’s block: Writer’s block: Copywriters behind bars.

About the author:

Sarah Grace Del Rosario is a freelance writer and marketer. When not working online, she works as an event stylist and planner. She loves to paint and do crafts.