No two SEO copywriters are the same

As with all professions, SEO copywriters come in all shapes and sizes – there are the experienced, the average and the beginners. But because SEO is a somewhat unclear field that is subject to a lot of change, it is difficult to find your way through the sea of SEO copywriters. In this blog, we will tell you what to look for in an SEO copywriter. In other words, which search terms are important in choosing the right professional?

What exactly is SEO again?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s a bit of a crazy term, actually, because you are not optimizing the search engine at all. You ensure that the search engine can find your website better. So, the accurate term is OFSE –

Optimization For Search Engines. Anyway, let’s not make it more complicated than it already is. So, SEO.

It has long been important for copywriters to write what appeals to their target group. But since the advent of the World Wide Web, our knowledge of that target group has increasingly improved over time. This has meant that it is not the sender (a brand, company, organization) that is in the lead, but the reader (the customer, consumer).

Brands are no longer stations, hoping that their signal will be picked up from their audience. Brands are now the receivers of the signals that are sent from their potential customers. These signals come in the form of keywords, for example. The search engines such as Google are built in such a way that the brand that best matches the customer’s signals can be seen at the top of the search results. This is exactly what you want.

There are many factors that influence your position within a search engine. Text that matches what people are looking for is one example.

A series of search terms is not an SEO text

When learning about SEO, it’s important to know what keywords people type into a search engine when looking for a particular product or service. In order to predict what words people would use, it’s up to you to logically assume which terms they would use. But there are also various keyword tools out there to help you predict what your audience would type. The keywords should definitely appear in your text, preferably in the headers and subheaders. But to entice a potential customer into choosing your product or service over your competitors, you have to offer them a bit more.


A seductive text takes more than a few SEO terms


The text in which the keywords are included must be easy to read and it should give the reader the information he or she is looking for. An SEO copywriter does not only string search terms together, but they also write attractive texts, in which the SEO terms fit seamlessly into.

Isn’t a good copywriter automatically an SEO copywriter?


Yes. The name SEO copywriter is, in fact, obsolete. There are also no ‘tone-of-voice’ copywriters because copywriters always use a tone of voice.

For example, there are no target audience copywriters, because copywriters always write for a specific target group. Nor do call-to-action copywriters exist, because a copywriter always uses a call to action.

Today, almost every form of communication is digital. Responding to keywords and search engine algorithms has thus become a standard part of a copywriter’s job. Therefore, every good copywriter is automatically an SEO copywriter.

What does a copywriter pay attention to when writing SEO texts?

There are a number of concrete things used by a good SEO copywriter to make texts easier to find.

The first line that your SEO writer types for a website, for example, will be the so-called H1 – the headline containing the keyword. H2 is the sub-heading where other important search terms are used. The keyword should also appear in the first paragraph of the article. The copywriter will then carefully construct a legible text, referring back to the keywords.

Making keywords bold will provide better results. Subheadings are excellent places to process search terms. This also applies to the breadcrumb trail and the file name, alt tag and caption of images.

A search engine-friendly URL containing the keyword is always useful, as is a relevant meta description and title tag containing the keyword.

Respond to current topics where possible

An SEO copywriter assumes a maximum of one main search term per page or blog article. With a number of additional search terms, about 2 to 4 terms per 500 words. The use of long-tail keywords (4 words or longer) is interspersed with short tail keywords (1 to 3 words).

Where possible, an SEO copywriter will always try to respond to current topics, provided they match the topic being written about.

A copywriter will never copy texts because the search engine’s algorithm takes into account the uniqueness of the copy. Relevance is also very important; does your text add anything to what is already available online about the topic in question?

Generally speaking, consistency and continuity are very important for the success of online copy. An experienced copywriter will always take this into account.

Finally, an SEO copywriter will always ensure that there are enough variants of a text, so that it can be tested to determine which one has the most effect.

In short, by working with an experienced SEO copywriter, your reader will feel recognized, clearly see the distinction of the product or service and its results. And then take action, for example by requesting more information or pressing the ‘buy’ button.

SEO is part of a larger plan – the content planseo copywriters

SEO copy comes in many varieties – blog posts, knowledge bases, videos, podcasts,

e-books, webinars, the list is infinite. From the aforementioned consistency and continuity, it is, therefore, useful to work with a content plan.

An SEO copywriter is happy to help you prepare your content plan

As a brand, it is best to prepare a content plan for a quarter, six months or a year. You naturally start at your target groups and objectives. Then search for the media channels that are used by your target group. Finally, choose a number of relevant topics about which you want to communicate.

Choose the best format for each channel and topic, for example, a blog, a video or a white paper. Then you determine the best frequency to be present (not too little, but not too much). And you make a mix of owned, shared, earned and paid media so that you can be sure that you reach enough people to achieve your goals. Now you have the complete picture with which your SEO copywriter can start writing. Incidentally, a copywriter will gladly help you draw up a content plan.

Brands who want to get serious about SEO content often opt for a content subscription. Then the copywriter writes a fixed number of texts every month so that you no longer have to worry about that.

So, with an experienced SEO copywriter you are easier to find. Because your copywriter knows what is needed for this, you as a client can concentrate on what you want to say.


This is a blog from Copywriter Collective. We have been supplying the best copywriters for 20 years. Customers rate us with a 4.5 on Trustpilot and 5 stars on Google Reviews. Call now and receive your quote within 4 hours!  Find us on Facebook!