
How to write great website content for your business

Every business website needs great copy, but writing winning content isn’t always easy.

The white, blank page on your computer screen or notepad can leave you feeling panicked and overwhelmed. The longer you stare at it, the harder it gets to write anything, let alone something that will hook your readers and keep them interested.

That’s why you need this plan, a sound structure, for writing winning website content for your site:

First things first: find your personal voice

Every business has a “voice”.  That is, a tone, a personality. This online voice defines your business and influences how your clients view you. It forms your brand and announces your values and what you stand for.

Without a clear business personality, you won’t stand out. Your business will die on its feet before it’s even got up and running.

So, take some time to think about your business personality. Is your online voice humorous, authoritative, friendly, professional? If you can’t define your company’s personality, you won’t have a chance in hell of writing winning copy. So, give this some very careful thought.

Make sure your voice is consistent

Once you’ve worked out what your “online voice” is, make sure you’re consistent when using it. Each webpage on your site should be written in the same tone and style, and with the same sense of company personality.  That way it sounds as if the same person or team has written it.

Don’t assume that your reader won’t pick up on style or tone differences; they will. Your words create a relationship and if your style is inconsistent, they’ll find it hard to trust you and make up their mind about you.  Readers like to know what companies stand for.  Make sure your personality shines through clearly.

Sometimes less is more

Once you get into the flow of writing, you might find that words are pouring out so fast that you feel the need to add everything.

Don’t do this!

While lots of writing is better than writer’s block, you can in fact give your reader too muchinformation.  Reading online is different to reading printed copy; our eyes are more sensitive to text online and more likely to “jump” from sentence to sentence and scan text.

Long blocks of solid text are off-putting.  Your readers will look at it and think, “That looks like hard work.  I don’t have the time.” Rather than scroll through, they’ll be off, maybe never to visit your site again.

The key is less not more.  That means fewer words, shorter paragraphs, subheads, and lots of white space.  Edit your work ruthlessly. Say only what is necessary. Make it easy for your readers’ eyes and break up your text with graphics, videos, and anything else that is relevant.  Just remember to be clear and concise.

Check spelling and grammar – and check again

You could have written the best copy ever written in the history of copywriting, but if there are spelling or grammar errors in it, it will always come across as sloppy and unprofessional.

So, never ever skip checking your spelling and grammar.  Use a spell-checker, but be aware these aren’t infallible. They won’t flag up all your errors. Get a friend or colleague to check your work – a fresh pair of eyes is essential as we can all become a little “blind” to our own writing.

Bring in a copywriter when you need to

You might find it easier to hire a freelance copywriter who is experienced in writing content for businesses. Not only will it save you time (no more staring at a blank page or screen agonizing and slaving over text) but you can rest assured that a professional is taking care of your writing needs and helping you present your business in the best way possible.

When you hire a copywriter, make sure they are familiar with your niche business and what it entails.  It’s better to pick a specialist writer rather than a generalist.

Hiring a copywriter can also save and make you money. While someone else is handling your writing, you can focus on other aspects of your company, like how to optimize your profits or create new products.  And their specialist copy is more likely to successfully pull in more sales and interest in your company.

When it comes to winning copy, hiring a talented freelance copywriter is always money well spent. Make sure copywriting is included in your marketing budget so you know it’s always there when you need it.

About the author:  Kay Hutchings-Olsson

Kay Hutchings-Olsson

Kay Hutchings-Olsson is direct-response copywriter at KHO Copywriting, and also the company owner. She specializes in writing for the self-help and natural health markets.

Join me on kholanguageservices.com

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