How much does it cost to hire a copywriter?

“How much does it cost to hire a copywriter?” is the first question most clients and agencies ask. The answer is of course is another question. How much do you want to spend? Most copywriters will give you a free quote, or you can ask an agency like us to find the best price for you. Either way, here are some steps you will need to follow.
1. Write a comprehensive brief saying exactly what you want
You must write a comprehensive brief to get it straight in your head exactly what you want written. The better the brief, the better the result. Here are some guidelines for writing a copywriting brief. We can send you a template to fill in if you email sandra[at]
2. Choose a copywriter with experience (in your industry and with the media you want)
You want a copywriter who already has some experience in your industry area. A good copywriter can write anything, but if you have an IT client, for example, then it’s best to choose a copywriter who already knows the terminology, industry standards, etc. It’s better for you if they don’t learn on your time. The same goes for the medium. If it’s for a website, better choose a copywriter with web experience. They’ll know about keywords, optimisation, style, etc and the results will be better.
Search here for some copywriters with experience in your industry.
3. Ask for a quote
Want some actual numbers? Here are some ballpark figures of what copywriting could cost you:

Articles for blog or directories: €150 – €350
Leaflets: €350 – €600
Emails and newsletters: €350 – €500
Slogan or brand name: €400 – €500
Press releases: €200 – €250
Sales letters: €350 – €600
Proof reading/editing: €25 – €40 per page
Brochure copy: €75 – €175 per page
Website copy: €75 – €175 per page

Once you’re clear what you need, send us a brief description of what you need and we will
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