
Hiring a Freelance Copywriter

If you hire a professional freelance copywriter, you will not just be hiring a good writer. While have sound writing skills is obviously essential for this role, there are more important factors that need to be considered when creating copy that connects with audiences and converts.

Rather than coming up with perfect prose to rival Dickens, here are certain core elements that drive powerful commercial content – both online and in print.

Tone of Voice

Content needs to reflect and enhance your brand – communicating exactly what it stands for. This is what makes the tone of voice such an integral component. When it comes to the tone of voice, every word counts.

While an authoritative corporate tone would suit an insurance provider, luxuriating language evoking exquisiteness and opulence is perfect for a designer bridal boutique. Getting the balance right between informal and professional, friendly and authoritative is key.

Unique Selling Points

In the fashion, travel and lifestyle sectors, competition is immense. With countless brands after a slice of a crowded market, highlighting anything that makes you unique is paramount. Having a massive marketing budget to push the unique selling points is the ideal solution, but for smaller businesses and startups, hiring a freelance copywriter to create brand-boosting SEO-friendly web content for you makes a world of difference.

Having informative, aspirational product descriptions and a regularly-updated blog to provide fresh content is a winning combination if you are seeking to increase web traffic and those all important conversion rates.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

While it has been around for a good few years now, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is still fresh territory for the majority of businesses. As an experienced SEO copywriter, I know how to create copy that ranks highly in Google and will therefore be more visible to potential customers.

How does SEO writing work? It is all about pushing the keywords that will bring more of the right people to your website. By carrying out keyword research to establish what people are typing into Google when they are looking for the kind of products you sell, it is possible to organically weave these words into your content so that your site and individual pages are more likely to be catalogued and appear on the first page of Google.

It is not all about keywords anymore, though. Google is becoming more sophisticated all of the time, deriving meaning from the general context of an article and not just specific words. Ultimately, content is king but it has to be of the highest quality to achieve the authority needed to reach the top.

Hiring an SEO copywriter to maintain your blog, providing a minimum of a few posts per week, is definitely a worthwhile investment for increasing website traffic and also raising awareness of your brand.

Get in touch now if you’re seeking a professional freelance copywriter to help take your business to the next level.


About the author: Alison Sandilands

Freelance Copywriter for hire.

Alison Sandilands is a freelance copywriter specialised in creating SEO content and print copy for brands in the travel, fashion and lifestyle sectors.

Social media profiles (I’m more active on Twitter and LinkedIn than Google+)
My Google+ profile is https://plus.google.com/u/0/112492134580550030817/posts/p/pub
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seemytravels
LinkedIn: http://lnkd.in/GZymYF

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