
Great Content Creation: Good ingredients matter.

Great Content is King!

Social Media is our current best friend. It allows us to talk regularly about our businesses (and ourselves) to anyone who’s interested. And there’s the rub: “anyone who’s interested.” The aim of great content creation is to get people interested! Content’s job is to engage. Content creation isn’t rocket science, but creating great content — content that gets people talking, responding and remembering — isn’t easy. It takes work, time and understanding. And yes, it requires you to set aside a budget for it. I’ve already written quite a few blogs on Content Creation including: Content Creation: Get found in 2014Content Marketing for Businesses: 3 reasons to do it“Compose Tweet Here” – 5 easy steps for great Twitter content. The bottom line in of all of them is …

Make Great Content a Priority

Creating rich, engaging content is the key to everything your business wants to accomplish. Commonly heard: “I don’t know where to start” or “I don’t have time to create good content.” The solution is clear: hire someone! In today’s business world, it’s not an option, it’s a priority – in every industry.

Here’s an interesting article, which aims to prove that creating great content is the key to achieving great SEO rankings:

5 Stats That Prove Great Content is the Key to Great SEO by Amanda Walgrove

Great Content is Show as well as Tell (Video is content too!)

Think YouTube, the place where 80% of online video is consumed. More and more, how-to and DIY videos are populating the YouTube channel. Businesses and brands alike need to be active in this channel if they are to create great content and keep their target audience engaged!

Content Creation is a trending topic, but it’s also evergreen. Contrary to what many say, content is nothing new. In marketing, content was always important! Now, there are just more ways to deliver it and measure its success!

Being in marketing and practicing what we preach (yes we do walk the talk), we’re  launching the latest title in our eBook series, Content Creation Understood: 21 biz-isms you need for success. It’s composed of short, snappy insights that will help you wrap your head around creating great content, in less than five minutes!

Coming Up!

Over the next few months, we’re going to follow up the eBook with blogs that expand on some of our biz-isms, so look out for those! Here’s a taste from the 21 ‘biz-isms’ in our eBook: #8 Content is only the first step, #16 Optimize your content.

Content Creation: Are We There Yet?, is a blog we published in May this year. If you think you’re not there yet, it’s the perfect time to download Content Creation Understood. If you think you are there, check it out anyway, there maybe something else you can do to drive your content farther!

Hope you enjoy it! Let us know what you think.


About the author: Miriam Hara


Miriam is the Chief Creative Officer and co-founder of 3H Communications Inc., a full service branding and advertising agency. Her experience has enabled her to bring together strategic business savvy with an all-encompassing creative vision to product and service marketing, which she shares here, in her many posts. Miriam’s own brand of marketing experience and expertise is the basis of her marketing ebook series including Content Creation Understood, the most recent addition. You can also find Miriam on Google +.

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