
Going the Extra Mile = More Sales?

“People of excellence go the extra mile to do what’s right.”
― Joel Osteen

                          –  Doing more than you’re paid for –

So what’s holding you back from going the extra mile? If you are struggling to go the extra mile you need to think of all the benefits to you and your client. Most people will not go the extra mile…so by doing so you will stand out from the crowd…

  • you will be seen as the person to turn to.
  • the person that will put in that little bit extra (which may mean the difference between a successful campaign or unsuccessful).
  • the person who dots the i’s and crosses the t’s.
  • that finishes a project.
  • gives one last sweep with the polishing cloth.
  • shows real interest in other people.
  • reaches out a helping hand.
  • turns out the lights and closes the door after everyone else has left.

By consistently going the extra mile you will be seen as a  high-achiever rather than one struggling to find their way. You will create a sense of accomplishment that will encourage you to stride ahead of your competition every time. You will produce better results for yourself and your client time and time again.

In the past I would often do very small jobs for new or existing clients…sometimes at a small loss. This sometimes paid huge dividends as they would recommend my services to other people or think of me when a much bigger and more lucrative job cropped up.

Now a lot of these people had rung around but could not get anyone to do their work as the job was too small. In fact I have listened to many trades people tell me over the years that they were struggling for work. Most of these tradies would apparently turn down the small jobs and hold out for the larger jobs.

By going the extra mile my work load was a lot more consistent than the ‘picky tradies’. You must give before you receive!


PS;Successful websites these days give something away…this is their way of going the extra mile and it works very successfully. When helping businesses with their web marketing I will always show them how they can double or treble their sales by implementing the ‘going the extra mile, strategy. When their customers receive something for free it adds a much greater value to their purchase. It can be as simple as a free article,eBook or a howto article that I write for them.

I can gauge my success by the extra miles I have gone.-JB


About the author: John Brewer


John Brewer is a professionally-trained freelance web copywriter and coach. His expertise in web marketing and copy-writing has helped many businesses to increase sales just by implementing some of his strategies. He has great passion and understanding for writing compelling content and helping businesses to increase their sales.

This article was first published by John Brewer