
The joy of being a freelance copywriter

Becoming a freelance copywriter can be a daunting step. You must give up the security of a steady job and generate your own income. The benefits though, outweigh the risk 100-1. You can set your own schedule. You can say yes or no to work. You’ll work 10 times harder because you’re doing it for you. And you can work half the hours and earn twice as much as you did in your old job. It’s all up to you. And it’s a lot easier when you have an agent representing you. Here are some of the benefits of working through an agent, and Copywriter Collective in particular.

No start-up costs or effort
You don’t need to pay for your own website, you get a profile page on The Collective site with your own URL. We even supply our freelancers with business cards and an email address when they join.

More work
It doesn’t cost anything to join The Collective as a freelance copywriter and it’s not exclusive – you can still look for your own clients.

International representation 

Why restrict yourself to one country? We can offer you the chance to travel to different countries and work on a wider variety of briefs.

Minimum administration 

Online timesheet system tracks your jobs with The Collective so you don’t forget to invoice hours you’ve worked. It also creates your invoice for us with one click – cutting administration hours enormously.

Prompt payment 

Don’t wait months and months to get paid. Our terms and conditions demand faster payment and The Collective will do the chasing for you.

Earn more 

A third party negotiating fees on your behalf results in better deal for you. While the timesheet system ensures you get paid for every hour you work.

Intellectual property 

Where we can, we’ll preserve your intellectual property rights for work, so you can earn extra income if your work is used in other mediums or markets.

Earn commission 

Never turn down work again. Pass it on to someone else and earn commission.


Contracts and terms and conditions with our customers help to protect your interests.


Our trained agents will help you with every aspect of the financial and administrative aspects of a job. Or if you need help from another professional while on the job, there are members of The Collective to help you.

Specialise or diversify 

If you want to specialise in a specific area we can put you forward for jobs in this area. Or if you’re looking for a change, we can help you get work in new areas.

Benefit by association 

You will be promoted as part of the best team of advertising freelance copywriters (and other disciplines too!) in the world. We have 20,000 advertising contacts across Europe who are advised whenever a new member joins us.

Join the club

There’s the monthly drinks, Christmas dinner, newsletters, invitations to openings and social events. All these are chances to meet with other freelancers, share stories, make contacts and increase your network.

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2 replies
  1. Lynn Mortimer
    Lynn Mortimer says:

    I have been freelancing ads a copywriter for many years after a lengthy career as a copywriter and client service executive.
    It would be great to have an agent to source work when I am writing. I find ensuring that I get paid to be a pain.

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